Cooperation between ADB, Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic


The phased projects implemented in Uzbekistan with the Asian Development Bank demonstrate the continuity of cooperation.

The financial and technical assistance provided by ADB is fully in line with the country’s national development strategy, reflecting the country’s development priorities.

Taking into account the current situation in the world economy with the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic and the need to carry out the necessary quarantine measures to contain it, which adversely affects the country’s economy, Uzbekistan’s cooperation with the ADB has been strengthened.

As a result, efforts are under way to attract investment from the Bank in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and mitigate its impact on the economy.The invaluable contribution of ADB in providing international consultants to provide technical assistance to the Ministry, in particular the draft Concept for integrated socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 and the Concept for the Development of Industry of Uzbekistan until 2030.On several occasions, discussions were held with ADB representatives by videoconference in order to effectively implement the tasks assigned to the Ministry taking account international experience.

As a result, agreement was reached on the engagement of international consultants as technical assistance, the terms of reference for the recruitment of international consultants were developed, and the main areas needed to be reflected in the draft Concept for integrated socio-economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030 and the Concept for the Development of Industry of Uzbekistan until 2030 were discussed.

The cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction with ADB covers the following issues:– examples of successful foreign industrial policy practices;– methodical approaches to develop measures for the «economy of simple things»;– foreign experience in the establishment and operation of financial and industrial groups;– long-term external and internal risks to national industry;– implementation approaches to move to a higher technological level (Industry 4.0);– assistance in the diagnosis of productivity levels in economic sectors;– international experience in reforming State-owned enterprises;– assistance in the development of the Concept of Economic Management from the perspective of liberal, administrative and mixed management;– assistance in assessing the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Uzbekistan and in devising ways to overcome the negative influence of the pandemic, taking into account international experience.Overall, the prospects for a mutually beneficial relationship between the Ministry and the Asian Development Bank make it possible to develop and implement new joint projects.

Information Service of the Ministry of Economic Developmentand Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan