CPEC can support Pakistan’s livestock sector to mitigate poverty: Report



ISLAMABAD, Dec. 8 – China Pakisyan Economic Corridor (CPEC) can support Pakistan’s livestock sector to mitigate poverty, says a report published by Gwadar Pro on Tuesday.

The CPEC’s road network is about three thousand kilometers long, and in some areas along the route, a lot of potential exists to develop the livestock sector and to establish farming business, the report said
quoting Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan, executive member of the Pakistan Agriculture Scientist Forum and renowned agriculture expert in Pakistan.

In an interview to Gwadar Pro, wasi spoke about the importance of creating a new regional economy along CPEC’s route as an effort to address issues of poverty and underdevelopment.

He also suggested that China may consider providing machinery and technology to build those areas, particularly for livestock development. This will create a positive image for CPEC and help create an economic cycle that can be good for both China and Pakistan.

The beneficiaries of this project will be the underprivileged people who will be gainfully employed through economic activities generated by CPEC. It will also lead to the reduction of poverty in those regions,” he contended.

Hafiz Wasi also emphasized that Pakistan needs to do a lot of internal reforms to gain long-term benefits from CPEC. He was of the view that Pakistan must understand the requirements of the Chinese market in the livestock sector.

When Pakistanis know Chinese demand in that sector, they will be able to introduce better regulatory measures to export products to the Chinese market.

He added that Pakistan needs to improve its agriculture sector with the help of China, which has introduced far-reaching reforms in enhancing its agricultural productivity.

A Joint Working Group(JWG) on Agriculture between China and Pakistan has been established.

That JWG must examine different areas to revitalize Pakistan’s agricultural economy. If Pakistan can meet China’s quarantine regulations, there is huge scope for Pakistan’s livestock and agriculture sector to grow and open up export opportunities of millions of dollars, he added.

He added, “the CPEC is slowly changing the economic and poverty profile of Pakistan. It is built along a long area, which could see tremendous economic growth in the years ahead. Due to this mega project, another area getting a lot of attention is the desert and mountain agriculture.”