Dismantling of Zionist project only solution to Palestine issue: Dr Sami Al-Arian

Dismantling of Zionist project only solution to Palestine issue: Dr Sami Al-Arian


Islamabad, Jan 28: The outcome of the Israel-Palestine conflict has reframed the Palestinian issue as an existential question for Israel itself, exposing its strategic failures and weaknesses while intensifying global scrutiny of its settler-colonial Zionist ideology. Since this ideology is rooted in racial supremacy and exclusivism, the two-state solution is unviable. The only resolution lies in dismantling the Zionist project to establish justice and the rightful sovereignty of the Palestinian people.

This was noted by Prof Dr Sami Al-Arian, director, Center for Islam and Global Affairs (CIGA), Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, during a policy dialogue on “Path to Peace: Unpacking the Palestine Question,” held at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad. The session was also addressed by Khalid Rahman, chairman, IPS.

Dr Sami Arian argued that Zionism seeks to be in control and rule and not allow any state to do anything that might be conceived as a threat to them. He said that dismantling Zionism does not equate to opposing Jews based on their faith; instead, it is about resisting aggressors and oppressive systems, ensuring that the struggle remains focused on justice.

In this perspective, he addressed the events of October 7, 2023, noting that they must be understood as a consequence of long-standing aggressive policies that have subjected Gaza to an unprecedented 16-year siege and occupied territories to escalating control measures and human rights abuses. He noted that the Israeli government has openly pursued policies aimed at subjugating Palestinians, forcing them to either accept occupation, leave, or face death. Furthermore, the Israeli state supported settler violence by arming extremist factions and implementing measures to promote Jewish claims over the Palestinian territories.

Dr Al-Arian said that it had become a matter of their self-determination and independence for Palestinians. However, the sustained endurance of Palestinian resistance has challenged Israel’s long-standing unilateral dominance. This was particularly evident with Israel’s military superiority failing to secure military and political objectives in Gaza and Zionism, as a settler-colonial ideology, facing mounting challenges to its legitimacy and aggressive manifestations.

Moreover, he said, recent developments have increasingly exposed Israel’s vulnerabilities in its defense strategies, including intelligence failures, deterrence failures, security breaches, and an inability to achieve a swift resolution.

In concluding remarks, Khalid Rahman noted that the outcome of the conflict has also challenged traditional power dynamics, exposing the inherent flaws in global institutions like the UN Security Council, whose veto power raises doubts about the post-1945 international order’s sustainability.

He further highlighted that the Palestinian struggle now extends beyond the battlefield to narratives. A distinct element was that this conflict, more than any before, was extensively discussed and participated in through digital platforms, amplifying its impact and shaping global narratives in real-time.

Emphasizing the independence of Muslim Ummah and its role in actively shaping discourse, Rahman noted that while the digital age has made it easier to challenge dominant narratives, the real test lies in united Muslim efforts to effectively leverage this opportunity to influence global perceptions and strengthen the goal of resistance.