Educating young minds


By Muhammad Omar Iftikhar

The need of the hour is to educate the youth. A well-structured approach needs to be implemented in this regard. National policy must be created to develop content for social media, print, and television. While our youth is well-versed in news and information, entertainment and sports, it certainly needs to brush up its knowledge base.

Moreover, the youth needs to develop their cognitive sense to think about their life and career. While some of the youth are busy making TikTok videos, a majority is aspiring to become a TikTok star. To become an overnight success seems to be the mantra the youth of today is pursuing.

The youth needs to be educated on a variety of fronts. These include among many to motivate them to continue learning, to develop their personality, to pursue freelance careers until they graduate, and to develop a habit of reading.

These actions can be pursued only when the youth has a vision of their future. To become a success is a generic statement and will lead to nowhere. A vision must be a statement that shows action and a result.

“To become a successful content writer” is a vision. The youth needs to perceive an action plan of how to do it. Here, professionals and experts in their fields can share pertinent information and experience to help the youth find their true calling.

National policy or a consortium of academicians and professionals can work to guide the youth in the right direction. They can hold webinars and organize physical talks by ensuring social distancing measures.

This consortium could also share their experiences through a Facebook page and connect with the audience. It is imperative for the professionals to give something back to the community and to their country.

They need to facilitate the youth in finding the purpose of their life, ascertain which degree program to pursue, and determine which profession to choose. Experts are very much needed to help the youth find the answers in this regard.