FESCO striving hard to provide maximum facilities to its consumers: CEO FESCO




FAISALABAD, OCT 10 – Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO is striving hard to provide maximum facilities to its consumers, protection of the rights of consumers as well as officials is top priority of FESCO, said Chief Executive Officer (CEO) FESCO Eng. Arshad Munir he was addressing to the officers at FESCO headquarters here today.CEO directed to escalate the speed on different electricity related development projects in all eight districts of FESCO region and said that provision of uninterrupted power supply to its consumers is FESCO’s top priority.

He said that many projects are in pipeline to strengthen and upgrade the distribution system.He made it clear that we have to work together for consumers satisfaction because a satisfy consumers reflects the company success.He also directed the senior officers to transfer their expertise and skills to the juniors to improve the performance of company and facilitate the consumers.

Director Public Relations Officer Tahir Mahmmud Sheikh told.Earlier, different delegations of the unions also met the Arsahd Munir and presented him bouquets of flowers. CEO thanked them and directed to follow the safety-first principal so that company could be saved from fatal and non-fatal accidents.