FO briefs resident diplomatic missions on CPEC


ISLAMABAD: /DNA/ – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted briefings on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) for resident diplomatic missions of several countries from East and Central Asia and the Middle East.

Chaired by the Additional Secretary (Asia-Pacific), two rounds of briefings were convened on 15 and 16 September 2022. The panel of briefers also included senior officials of the Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives, and the Board of Investment.

In her briefing, the Additional Secretary shared the underlying vision of CPEC, which was based on Pakistan’s desire for connectivity and interest in deepening linkages with Central Asia, the Middle East, and the East Asian region. She emphasized that CPEC had added a new dimension in the Pakistan-China All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership, which was based on mutual understanding and respect. Pakistan welcomes development partners and enterprises from around the world to strengthen investment and trade linkages and consider opportunities in Special Economic Zones (SEZ).

Thanking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant Government departments for the briefing, participating diplomatic missions underscored abiding mutual interest in enhancing economic cooperation.