FO, SIDA key stakeholders in agreement with World Bank


– SWAT a major economic change and development prosperity in agri sector for Pakistan: Francois

Nazir H Siyal 

KARACHI/HYDERABAD: World Bank Task Team leader Francois Onimus has expressed that  World Bank SWAT pilot project for modernization of canals not a traditional, but to understand it as future prosperity and major economic change and development in agri sector for Pakistan.

He was speaking to the irrigation officials of Sindh- Punjab and local communities of the area,  particularly the Farmers Organization (FO) here at Jarki distributory in Badin district. 

Mr. Francois Onimus emphasized direct and indirect stakeholders for mutual consensus on valued Sindh Water and Agriculture Transformation project (SWAT) funded by the World Bank.

The authorities along with Farmers Organization (FO) The Hydraulic features and key features were discussed on the occasion and intended to modernized  infrastructure was suggested  for the socio economic development in the various parts of the country. 

On the occasion, Chairman Farmers Organizations (FO) Pir Bux Chang, Vice Chairman Ghulam Qadir Leghari, Secretary Rashid Ahmed, Treasure Allah Bachayo Lashari and the members Mohammad Urs Allah Yar Awan were motivated by Dr Charles Burt Chairman ITRC-Irrigation Training Research Center  US California, along with officials Ahmed Junaid Memon UN FAO program Manager and other representatives of Sindh Irrigation Drainage Authority (SIDA), while during the visit of Jarki minor/regulator.

Earlier, the Village communities and Farmers Organization (FO) raised various issues and objections about water shortages and proper distribution of irrigation water for Agriculture purpose, as well political and officials coordination also briefly discussed with the World Bank team and ITRC trainers.

The Farmers Organizations (FO) delegation told that 80 villages are in the Jarki minor/regulatori, which they are suffering heavy negligence of proper distribution of irrigation water and raised few objectives. 

Later, Dr. Charles Burt and other officials, stake holders satisfied the Farmers Organization (FO) representatives for mutual understanding over the common interest. 

Dr. Charles Burt further described that the Farmers Organizations (FO) after the agreement and implementation of pilot project, the Water Board will remain aware and involved during up and downs stream water and official chart levels before the trainings according to the agreement will be carried out by World Bank SWAT project between Farmers Organizations (FO) and SIDA officials. 

He informed that SIDA officials are bound to inform the Farmers Organizations (FO) about the water stream chart levels.