Hafeez Jalandhari, writer of national anthem, remembered


ISLAMABAD, Jan 14 (DNA) – Famous poet and writer of the lyrics of national anthem Hafeez Jalandhari was remembered on the occasion of his 119th birth anniversary on Tuesday.

Jalandhari was born in Jalandhar on January 14, 1900. He only received formal education until the seventh grade.

He actively participated in Pakistan Movement and used his writings to inspire people for the cause of Pakistan.

After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Jalandhari migrated to Lahore.

Besids writing lyrics of the national anthem, he also wrote the Kashmiri anthem, ‘Watan Hamara Azad Kashmir’.

Hafeez also wrote many patriotic songs during the Indo-Pakistan War of 1965.

His work of poetry, gave him incredible fame which is a record of the glorious history of Islam in verse. His other books included Naghma Zar (1925), Soz-o-Saaz (1932),Talkhaba-i-Shireen (1947) and Chiragh-i-Sehar (1974) Hafeez Jalandhri passed away on December 21, 1982 at the age of 82 .=DNA
