‘Hostile countries’ behind KU attack to sabotage CPEC, says Alvi in visit to Chinese embassy


ISLAMABAD: President Arif Alvi on Saturday said “hostile countries” were behind the suicide attack that targeted Chinese instructors at Karachi University, which he said was a bid to sabotage the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and harm the friendship between the two nations.

Three Chinese teachers and their Pakistani driver were killed in the attack, while four others were injured in a suicide blast that struck their vehicle as it approached the Confucius Institute in the university.

During a visit to the Chinese embassy today, the president condemned the incident and vowed the “hostile countries” behind it “would not succeed in their designs” as Pakistan and China enjoy a deep friendship and are strongly committed to further strengthen the “all-weather friendship”, according to a statement issued by the President’s Secretariat.

The president offered his condolences to the embassy officials, according to Chinese Cultural Counsellor Zhang Heqing.

He asked Charge d’ Affaires Pang Chunxue to convey his heartfelt condolences to the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China and President Xi Jinping.

Alvi said the entire nation was in “deep pain and shock over the unfortunate incident” and shared in the grief of the Chinese people.

He reassured them that Pakistan would leave “no stone unturned” to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and bring the elements involved in the incident to justice.

Pang thanked President Alvi for his visit and expression of solidarity with the Chinese people and government.

She said that “both countries have a shared future” and a long history of friendship and close cooperation. She condemned the attack and hoped that the “culprit behind this incident would be apprehended and punished,” the statement said.

President Alvi later wrote remarks in the embassy’s visitor’s book.

The Chinese Embassy also released a message thanking Pakistani officials for the series of visits to condemn the attack and offer their support after the loss of China’s nationals. “Together we will defeat terrorism and work for a shared future,” it said.