Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan along with high level experts from academia from across Pakistan will participate


ISLAMABAD: Area Study Center (Russia, China & Central Asia), University of Peshawar in collaboration with University of the Punjab, Lahore, University of Sialkot, Sialkot and Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad is organizing a Two Day International Conference on “Pakistan – Eurasian Heartland Connectivity: Towards Socio-Economic, Academic, and Legal Cooperation”from 21st – 22nd September 2021 at the Area Study Centre, University of Peshawar, Peshawar.

This is first of its kind Conference being organized with focus on regional connectivity to enhance closer cooperation and connectivity within Eurasian countries. The Republic of Turkmenistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan,Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan along with high level experts from academia from across Pakistan will participate.

The aim of the Conference is to deliberate upon the ways and means for enhancing trade, economic, cultural, educational, and industrial links between Pakistan and the Eurasian heartland for shared growth and prosperity. The Eurasian heartland i.e. Central Asia and adjacent surrounding regions, due to its geographical location and natural resource base, therefore, has gained added significance in this regard.Pakistan as a multi-regional country has bright prospects for linking major and different regions of Eurasia. Pakistan according to its potential endowed by geography has been making efforts to provide connectivity to various Eurasian countries and regions. Besides providing trans-regional connectivity, Pakistan also desires to connect itself within the Eurasian space effectively and efficiently as Pakistan has made closer cooperation and integration with the Eurasian countries the main pivot of its foreign policy.