Iranian ambassador Reza Moghadam condemns US for vetoing Gaza resolution


ISLAMABAD: DNA/H.E. Dr. Reza Amiri Moghadam, Honorable Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistani writes in X social media as follows:

The US political veto in UNSC supporting the Zionist regime & preventing ceasefire for the humanitarian goals in the war-striken regions in #Gaza & #Palestine proves UN inefficiency to appropriately apply international law, human rights & humanitarian rights.

If UN is not going to perform its inherent roles & functions in such circumstances, then where is it going to do so!? What else should happen in the world for the UN to take action & find its true role? More innocent lives need be lost?! More human pains & grief??!

The US regards the UNSC as a puppet, misusing it for the political goals. UNSCR veto is a green light for the continuation of #GenocideinGaza. Criminals should be referred to ICC & justice being observed. Otherwise, the Muslim world shouldn’t wait for more loss of lives.