Javed Iqbal’s policy “Accountability for All” started yielding excellent results


Nawazish Ali Asim

ISLAMABAD: Corruption is the mother of all evils which is a major reason in the development and progress of the country. NAB was established in 1999 in order to eradicate corruption and to recover looted money from corrupt elements and deposit in the national exchequer. Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, after assumption of his responsibilities as Chairman NAB three years ago has introduced a comprehensive and effective national anti corruption strategy comprising Awareness, Prevention and Enforcement with commitment of “Accountability for All” policy which has started yielding excellent results. Reputed national and International Organizations like Transparency International Pakistan, World Economic Forum, Global Pace Canada, PILDAT and Mishal Pakistan have not only lauded NAB’s efforts for eradication of corruption but in the Gillani and Gallup Survey about 59 percent people have shown their confidence upon NAB as NAB under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has not only recovered 487 billion from corrupt elements during the last three years which is remarkable achievement as compared to previous years of NAB. NAB’s overall conviction ratio in the Accountability courts is about 68.8 %. Currently, there are 1230 corruption references of NAB are under process in learned Accountability courts and their total worth is more than Rs. 947 billion.

Today, eradication of corruption is the voice of the whole nation. Eradication of corruption and logical conclusion of mega corruption white collar crimes cases is the top most priority of NAB. NAB is role model for SAARC countries as NAB is Chairman, SAARC anti Corruption forum and is the focal organization of Pakistan under United Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Moreover, NAB is the only organization in the world who has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with China in order to enhance cooperation in eradication of corruption and to oversee CEPC Projects. NAB has established its own state of the art Forensic Science Laboratory in NAB Rawalpindi besides NAB has also established its own Pakistan Anti Corruption Training Academy at NAB headquarters in order to equip its investigation officers with modern techniques to investigate white collar crimes cases. NAB has also signed a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Higher Education Commission to aware students of Universities/Colleges about the ill effects of corruption at an early age as youth is our future. In this regard, more than 50 thousands Character Building Societies (CBS) have been established in Universities/Colleges throughout the country whose meetings are being held in respective universities and colleges on a regular basis. The feedback of this initiative of NAB is excellent. 

In line with its Enforcement Strategy, NAB under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has itself prescribed a timeframe of ten months in which complaint verifications in two months, inquiries in four months and investigations in four months on alleged allegations of corruption and corrupt practices. Moreover, the present management of NAB has introduced an innovative concept of Combined Investigation Team (CIT) consisting of two Investigation officers, one legal consultant, on financial expert, one case officer/Additional Director, Director under the supervision of concerned DG in order to have collective wisdom which is lending quality in conduct of inquiries and investigations. NAB has also established Witness Handing Cells in all its regional bureaus. Due to this reason, NAB is pursuing its cases in the learned Courts very vigorously on the basis of solid documentary evidence. The indiscriminate actions of NAB under the dynamic leadership of Honorable Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB have increased its prestige of NAB manifold against the mighty as the aim of NAB is to apprehend the corrupt elements and deposit the looted amount in the national exchequer. NAB has recovered Rs. 714 billion from corrupt elements directly and indirectly which is a remarkable achievement as compared to other anti corruption organizations.

Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has rejuvenated NAB in order to eradicate corruption from Pakistan. Chairman NAB not only reviews progress of NAB headquarters but also of all the regional Bureaus on a regular basis. The excellent performance of NAB under the leadership of Chairman NAB is indicative of the hard work, merit and hard work transparency being put in by all ranks of NAB officials in an atmosphere of renewed energy and dynamism, where fight against corruption is being considered as a national duty. On the directions of Chairman NAB, all complaints are being computerized and all DGs of Regional Bureaus are ensuring not only self respect of all the concomitants but also responded promptly to all the complaints of concomitants very expeditiously as per law.

Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has more than 40 years of experience in providing justice to people starting from Session Judge Quetta to Acting Chief Justice of Honorable Supreme Court of Pakistan and now Chairman NAB. He is clear headed, confident, unmatchable and balanced personality with integrity, honesty, honor and dignity. He believes in self respect of humanity and does not believe in breaching self esteem of any person who comes in NAB. The directions of Chairman NAB are being implemented by all regional bureaus in letter and spirit. He always believes in law abiding and firmly believes in eradication of corruption by ensuring accountability to all. His performance for the last three years has proved without any iota of doubt that Mr. Justice Javed Iqbal Chairman NAB has proved true to his words indiscriminate accountability in order to make Pakistan corruption free.