Kashmala Tariq participates in an awareness session


	ISLAMABAD, :Federal Ombudsman for Protection Against Harassment Kashmala Tariq on Friday participated in an awareness session organized under the theme of "16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence" on Friday. 
	CEO PIA Air Marshal Arshad Malik, UN Women Country Representative for Pakistan Sharmeela Rassool and others were also present. 
	While addressing PIA employees, Federal Ombudsman Kashmala Tariq said that nearly half the workforce of Pakistan comprises of women, that often feel barred from fully contributing to society and economic prosperity, due to harassment they face.
	"It is every female’s right that they are provided with same opportunity to work freely and without fear of being harassed as male members of our society are provided," she added. 
	She apprised the audience about the provisions of Workplace Harassment Act 2010 in the minds of women who are the victim of harassment at workplace to stand against harassment. 
	While speaking on the occasion, she said that FOSPAH aims at facilitating women to work without any insecurities in various public and private sector organizations. 
	She added that it was imperative for both public and private sector organizations to constitute Anti-Harassment Committees comprising three persons that must have one female (at least). 
	Moreover, she said that the procedure for filing complaints at FOSPAH is very simple and easy and complaint can be filed through online complaint system at www.fospah.gov.pk. 
	Due to the frequent awareness campaign, the number of cases has immensely increased. 
	Federal Ombudsman said that FOSPAH is also empowered under the “Enforcement of Women's Property Rights Act 2020” to protect and secure the rights of ownership of women in the property (inherited or owned).