Kashmir Exploitation Day-5 August 2021)


The Embassy of Pakistan, in connection with Youm-e-Istehsaal, held a webinar titled: ‘Jammu and Kashmir Dispute and Its Implication on the Peace & Security in South Asia and Beyond on 5 August 2021’. The webinar was organized in collaboration with the reputed universities and organizations from various parts of Indonesia. The Speakers included:

1- H.E Ambassador Muhammad Hassan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Indonesia, Timor Leste & ASEAN.

2 -Drs. Nur Munir, Head of Islamic and Middle Eastern Research Centre, University of Indonesia.

            3- Prof. Dr. Yusny Saby, Leading Academic.

4 -Dr. Zahir Khan, Chairman Kashmir Solidarity Forum

5- Prof. Darni M Daud, Syahkuala University Aceh

6-Ms. Khairunnisa Simbolon – Lecturer in International Relations Department, Universitas Lampung

7- Ms. Astiwi Inayah – Lecturer in International Relations Department, Universitas Lampung

            Ambassador Muhammad Hassan, in his keynote address, gave a brief overview of the history of the Kashmir dispute. He mentioned about the illegal action taken by India especially in the wake of 5 August 2019 in an attempt to deprive the Kashmiris of their right to self-determination, which has been rejected by Kashmiris as well as Pakistan. Revoking Article 370 and 35A of the constitution meant that India is officially declaring the UNSC resolutions, calling for a free and fair referendum in Jammu and Kashmir, as null and void which is a slap on the face of the UN and its members. He stated that by allowing non-Kashmiri Hindus (not Christians or Muslims) to acquire property and settle in the state, India has started implementing a systemic program to transform the Muslim-majority in the state to a minority. This law paves the way for a demographic apartheid in IIOJK and is in direct contravention of international law, especially Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

            The ambassador also drew similarities between Indian illegal actions in Kashmir and Israel’s attempts to disenfranchise Palestinians and depopulate Jerusalem of its indigenous population. Not only Pakistan but also a growing number of the international community, including the United Nations, Genocide Watch, Amnesty International, OIC etc. have condemned these illegal actions. The Genocide Watch issued a genocide alert for IOJK. The UNSC has held three hearings since 05 August 2019 on the issue. These consultations have reaffirmed the Council’s role in the dispute, repudiating the Indian position that their actions in IIOJK were an “internal affair”.

            The ambassador mentioned that Pakistan continues to stand with our brothers and sisters in Kashmir and we will extend all political, moral, and diplomatic support to them until the final resolution of Kashmir dispute according to the aspirations of the people to be expressed through a free and fair plebiscite under the auspices of the UN.

            Professor Darni M. Daud mentioned that Kashmir’s paradise had been converted into hell by Indian occupation forces. He stated that both Pakistan and India had fought three wars over Kashmir. The dispute has become a nuclear flashpoint and can engulf the wider region leading towards World War III. He, therefore, urged all stakeholders to work towards an amicable solution to the dispute.

            Professor Nur Munir, in his remarks, highlighted Islamic teachings of confronting oppression and injustice and stated that Indonesia’s foreign policy was based on the principles of rule-based international order and social justice. He dwelt upon the principles of Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the universal tenets of freedom, justice and peace in the world. He also mentioned about the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ report in Human Rights Council (HRC) in February 2021 and India’s Citizenship Amendment Act which was discriminatory against the minorities and Kashmiris.

            Professor Yusni Sabi stated that Indonesia’s founding principles of Pancasila rejected injustice and oppression and Indonesians support Kashmiris’ rights to self-determination

            Dr. Zahir Khan stated that India was a terrorist state and the international community must take cognizance of its illegal actions against the innocent Kashmiris.  Ms. Khairunnissa Simbolon, and Mr. Astiwi Inayah discussed the human rights tragedy going on in Jammu & Kashmir, and possible solutions of the dispute.             The Webinar was attended by more than 275 academics, scholars, intellectuals, researchers, members of political and religious organizatio