Kashmir Solidarity Day observed in France


PARIS, FEB 5 (DNA) – The resolve and struggle of Kashmiris is unique in the annals of history as there is hardly any example in human history where more than ten million people have been subjected to brutal repression by an occupying armed force of more than 900,000 for more than 70 years and yet they continue to raise the banner of freedom, said Mr. M. Amjad Aziz Qazi, Charge d’Affaires a.i. Embassy of Pakistan France, while addressing a webinar which was held here today to observe the Kashmir Solidarity Day.

Members of the Pakistani and Kashmiri community as well as French and ethnic media persons in Paris attended the event via video-link, which was held online due to Covid-19 restrictions. Messages of President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out to the audience.

Mr. Qazi highlighted the significance of this day and said that it serves as a reminder for the international community as well as the United Nations to ensure the right to self-determination for the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) through a free and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the UN.

He said each year, the government and people of Pakistan observe the 5th of February as Kashmir Solidarity Day to reaffirm support to our brothers and sisters in IIOJK as well as to appreciate their brave struggle for the right to self-determination, which was pledged to them by the international community through several United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Charge d’Affaires emphasized that in the last seven decades, fundamental human rights of Kashmiri people have been violated through abductions, incarceration at undisclosed locations, indiscriminate use of pellet guns, and extra-judicial killings. This is clearly Indian state-terrorism against innocent Kashmiris. There is also no example of the military siege, lockdown and communication blockade that India has employed on Kashmiris since 5 August 2019. And now India is attempting to change the demography of the territory through a sinister design to convert the Muslim majority into a minority. This is being done in violation of international law, particularly the 4th Geneva Convention, he added.

He stressed that Pakistan will remain steadfast in its solidarity with the Kashmiri people until they get their legitimate right to self-determination, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and relevant UN Security Council Resolutions.

Mr. Qazi said under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Pakistan has been actively highlighting the case of Kashmir at the international level, in an unprecedented manner.

He also commended the Pakistani and Kashmiri community living in France for standing up for their Kashmiri brethren by holding demonstrations and other events on all important occasions relating to Kashmir, showing solidarity with the oppressed people of IIOJ&K. Mr. Amjad Qazi also appreciated the role played by the French media in highlighting the sufferings of the people of IIOJ&K.

A documentary highlighting Indian atrocities in IIOJ&K was also screened on the occasion.

Eminent members of the Pakistani and Kashmiri community in France also expressed their views on the occasion and called upon the international community to ensure justice for the people of IIOJ&K.

Later, Charge d’Affaires inaugurated a photographic exhibition showing the plight of Kashmiris, who are under Indian military siege.=DNA
