Korean embassy donates ten thousand trees to Pakistan



ISLAMABAD: The Embassy of the Republic of Korea to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its commitment to support the Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Initiative of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan has donated Ten Thousand Trees under the second phase of the Pak-RoK Friendship Forest, which is aimed at helping Pakistan inits fight against Climate Change.

          Aceremony to mark the occasion was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Koreahere in Islamabad. The Korean Ambassador, Suh Sangpyo and the Special Assistantto the Prime Minister on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam jointly planted atree in the Embassy’s premises.

          TheAmbassador said the Friendship Forest was launched in 2019 in Haripur, KhyberPakhtunkhwa with just 6,000 trees. Now within its Phase-II, the Embassy will beplanting 10,000 trees and with the years to come, it aims to continue expandingthis Friendship Forest across the country especially in areas which havesuffered from deforestation and biodiversity loss. The SAPM lauded the donationand said that it serves as another green milestone in the bilateral friendship betweenthe two countries and in achieving the vision of the Prime Minister. Both sidesalso discussed other green initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of ClimateChange and possibilities of cooperation within them.    

          Seniorofficials of the Ministry of Climate Change, Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Project,and Journalists were also present at the ceremony.