Lahore teaching institution prepares inexpensive sanitizer


LAHORE, MARCH 18 (DNA) : Amid inflated prices and shortage of sanitizing lotion a teaching institution of Lahore has announced preparation of an inexpensive sanitizer to address the problem.

An official of the Punjab University College of Earth and Environmental Sciences has said that the university has prepared a cheaper sanitizer, which requires only 22 rupees for 50 ml sanitizing lotion.

Dr. Sajid has said that a bottle of 50ml sanitizer being sold in local market at 450 rupees.

He said the university will provide bottles of its manufactured sanitizing lotion to traffic police officials tomorrow free of cost.
It is pertinent to mention here that after ansnouncement of the first case of novel coronavirus in Pakistan in the last week of February, sanitizers and surgical masks disappeared from the markets across the country.

The hoarders created an artificial shortage of the essential items by hoarding masks and sanitizers to amass dirty money from the situation by selling them on exorbitant prices.