Massive absenteeism of young people to vote. What does the percentage look like?


More than 4.6 million young people aged between 18 and 34 are on the permanent lists of the BEC. Of these, only 1.18 million voted on Sunday, December 6th.

This means that only 25.39% of them got to vote. Therefore, 3,478,386 young people did not come to vote in Romania. The number of young voters represents 20.43% of the total number of those who voted in the country on Sunday, writes.

83,120 young people voted in the diaspora, representing about a third of the total number of voters from abroad.

It is the lowest turnout of young people in the country in the last four years, with five elections. Attendance at the Parliament is traditionally low, but the turnout of young people has been 6% lower than at the 2016 Parliament.

Compared to the September local elections, where there were 1.8 million young people , 620 thousand of them were absent from this election.

The presence of young people between 18-34 years old, broken down by sex, shows that women were more absent from voting than men, if we refer to the permanent electoral lists. Specifically, only 562,841 women came to the polls, out of the 2.2 million registered. That means 24.79%.

By age groups, at national level, young people who have not yet reached the age of 25 were 80% absent: out of 1,606,921 people, only 443,223 (20.06%) voted.

And between 25 and 34 years old, only 24.24% participated in the vote.

Most young people voted in the Capital and the counties with university cities, Iași, Cluj, Timiș, on the last places of the list being the counties of Brăila, Ialomița, Covasna and Tulcea.