NAB committed to eradicate corruption: Chairman



ISLAMABAD, SEPT 7 – Justice (RETD) Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB has said that NAB committed to eradicate corruption as NAB always accords high priority for training of its Investigation Officers because training is an effective instrument through which human capabilities are developed for enhancing practical and productive efforts on modern lines.

Honorable Justice Mr. Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB said that NAB is an apex anti corruption organization of the country which has assigned gigantic task of eradication of corruption from the country. He said that this requires an extremely dedicated and highly trained manpower to undertake this responsibility. He said that NAB attaches great importance to its Human Resource Management.

A comprehensive yearly Training Plan for 2020 was approved in order to enhance capacity building of NAB officers/officials and to ensure successful implementation of the Training Plan.

He said Training Cells were created at all Regional levels as primarily responsible to liaise and carry out the planned activities in their respective Regional Bureaus in coordination with T&R Division NAB Headquarters. Accordingly, a Training of Trainers (ToT) program was organized by the T&R Division NAB at NAB Headquarters.

Honorable Justice Mr. Javed Iqbal, Chairman NAB said that NAB during the tenure of present management of NAB has recovered Rs. 363 billion of ill-gotten money directly and indirectly from corrupt elements and all were deposited in the national exchequer which is a remarkable achievement of NAB.

He said that the figures of complaints, inquiries and investigations have increased as compared to the same period of 2019 to 2020.

The comparative figures of previous two years are indicative of the hard work being put in by all ranks of NAB officers/officials in an atmosphere of renewed energy and dynamism, where fight against corruption is being taken as a national duty. Increase in the number of complaints also reflects enhanced public trusted in the NAB. He said that NAB is one of investigation agency who has been prescribed for efficient, effective and expeditious disposal of all cases putting including white collar crime cases a maximum limit of 10 months- from complaint verification-to- inquiry-to-investigation and finally to a reference in the Accountability Court.

NAB has also introduced a new System of Combine Investigation Team (CIT) in order to benefit from the experience and collective wisdom of senior supervisory officers, a system of CIT comprising of Director, Additional Director, Investigation Officer and a Senior Legal Counsel has been put in place.

This will not only lend quality to the work but also ensure that no single individual can influence the proceedings. The results of CIT are very encouraging. The Chairman NAB said that Transparency International Pakistan, World Economic Forum, PLIDAT and Mishal Pakistan have appreciated NAB’s efforts in order to aware people about the ill effects of corruption and to nab corrupt elements.

Gillani and Gallop Survey have indicated that 59 percent people have shown confidence upon NAB. The Chairman NAB said that NAB said that a state of the art Forensic Science LAB has been established in NAB Rawalpindi.

The Forensic Science LAB has the capacity to conduct analysis in the fields of Digital Forensics, Questioned Documents; Fingerprints analysis so that investigation officers and prosecutors may utilize Forensic LAB facilities in order to investigate cases within stipulated time period as per law.