Navy chief’s message on the eve of Maritime workshop


It is indeed a matter of great satisfaction for the Pakistan Navy to hold Maritime Security Workshop 2019 (MARSEW-19) at its premier institute, Pakistan Navy War College, Lahore from 4-12 Dec 19. The third consecutive year of MARSEW is not only reassuring, but its real success lies in the interest it has evoked across a broad spectrum of country’s policy makers, executives, academicians, business enterprises and media, since its inaugural session in 2017. MARSEW has become a formal link with the country’s diverse stakeholders in creating awareness on maritime issues, highlighting their impact on the national security and underscoring immense potentials of our Blue Economy.

Last December, adjunct to the MARSEW, Pakistan Navy launched the maiden Maritime Doctrine of Pakistan (MDP), as part of its efforts to galvanize maritime culture at the national scene. More recently, on behalf of Pakistan Navy, PNWC Lahore has signed six MoUs with various local universities. These MoUs aim to integrate, conduct and expand maritime research by involving our youth in the public-private academic institutes. This year, Pakistan Navy will Insha Allah SWT inaugurate the Maritime Centre of Excellence (MCE) at PNWC, Lahore. The Centre will promote the cause of jump starting maritime sector by conducting academic and on-field research to proffer workable and pragmatic solutions to the decision makers, at the policy level.

I firmly believe that future of Pakistan is inextricably linked to the sea. An ever rising population and a youth bulge hold both, promise and challenges for Pakistan. Appropriate investments in marine R&D, tapping blue economic potentials and efficient operationalization of maritime component of CPEC, point to a range of employment and growth opportunities. Pakistan Navy on its part would continue to contribute to this national cause.

I wish the organisers and participants of MARSEW-19 a useful, stimulating and mutually rewarding experience. I also felicitate all those whose hard work has been instrumental in the realization of MCE.