Pak makes strong demarche to Indian Charge d’ Affaires condemning derogatory remarks made by two senior officials of BJP


ISLAMABAD, JUN 10 /DNA/ – Let me begin by reiterating Pakistan’s rejection and strongest condemnation of the highly derogatory remarks by two senior officials of India’s ruling BJP party, that were disrespectful towards Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and have hurt the sentiments of Muslims all over the world. 

The Indian Charge d’ Affaires was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 6 June and conveyed the Government of Pakistan’s categorical rejection and strong condemnation of the totally unacceptable remarks. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also condemned the dangerous and hurtful comments emanating from these irresponsible leaders of India’s ruling party. 

Foreign Secretary Sohail Mahmood individually met the Envoys of P-5 countries; and also held a meeting with the OIC Ambassadors in Islamabad to apprise them of the matter and register Pakistan’s strong concern at the sharp increase in Islamophobia and targeting of Muslims in India. Pakistan has underscored that BJP’s perfunctory and token disciplinary action against those individuals was not sufficient to assuage the pain and anguish they have caused to Muslims worldwide. Nor would any attempt to whitewash rising ‘Hindutva’ nationalism in mainstream society by calling the BJP Spokesperson a ‘fringe element’ be of any avail. If India has any moral courage, or democratic ethos, the BJP top leadership and the Indian government must clearly condemn the actions of the responsible BJP officials, and hold them to account through decisive and demonstrable action.

That may be a big ask in today’s “saffronized” India, but this is the least that is being expected of them. This is important because it is not about an isolated incident. There are continuing serious concerns about the alarming rise in Islamophobia, and communal violence and hatred directed against Muslims and other minorities in India, who are being systematically stigmatized, marginalized and subjected to a well-orchestrated onslaught from radical Hindu mobs with full connivance and support of the security apparatus across various states in India. Regrettably, the Indian state machinery has remained aloof to the desperate calls for assistance by the local Muslim and minority communities across the country including Sikhs, Christians and Dalits. Ladies and Gentlemen, In clear contrast, while India persisted with its reprehensible campaign of “saffronization” resulting in victimization and persecution of Muslims and other minorities, Pakistan, in line with its policy of promoting interfaith harmony and religious tolerance, has issued 163 visas to Sikh pilgrims from India on the eve of Martyrdom Day of Guru Arjun Dev Ji, to participate in the annual festival being held in Pakistan from 8-17 June. During the visit, the pilgrims would, inter alia, go to Panja Sahib, Nankana Sahib and Kartarpur Sahib. We welcome the yatrees and wish them a spiritually fulfilling and enjoyable stay in Pakistan. Ladies and Gentlemen, Coming over to the first visit to Pakistan earlier during the week by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on the invitation of Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. During the delegation-level talks, the two sides had an extensive exchange of views on various aspects of bilateral relations with a special focus on enhancing cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, climate change, and renewable energy. In the regional context, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stressed the need for the international community to come together to address the dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. On Ukraine, the Foreign Minister reiterated Pakistan’s principled position for immediate cessation of hostilities and for a solution to the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy. The Foreign Minister also drew attention to the serious human rights violations in IIOJK, the rising tide of Islamophobia across India and risks posed by these developments to regional peace and stability. Unfortunately, Foreign Minister Baerbock had to cut her trip short after testing positive for COVID-19. We wish her good health and look forward to continuing strong collaboration and future high-level interactions between the two countries. On 8th June, Ambassador of Iran, Seyed Ali Mohammad Hossenei called on Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. The Prime Minister thanked Iran for its timely assistance in controlling forest fire in Balochistan. Ambassador of Iran reiterated felicitations from the Iranian leadership to the Prime Minister on assumption of office and reaffirmed commitment to enhance bilateral cooperation in all areas of mutual interest. Ladies and Gentlemen, On the Public Diplomacy front Yesterday, Pakistan and Azerbaijan celebrated 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, with a joint photo exhibition at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs showcasing our strong bilateral relations rooted in shared faith and value system also manifest in frequent high-level exchanges. On 5th June, Pakistan joined the international community in celebrating the “World Environment Day 2022” on the theme “Only One Earth”, and on 8th June we commemorated the “World Oceans Day” appreciating national efforts to counter marine pollution & promote sustainable use of ocean resources.Ladies and Gentlemen, Coming over to the Situation in IIOJK In the continuing senseless spate of extra judicial killings by Indian occupation forces, 5 more innocent Kashmiri youth including a student of animal husbandry have been martyred in Baramulla, Kupwara and Shopian areas in the past week. In the same period, dozens of Kashmiri youth have been arrested and summoned in army camps and police stations in fake cordon and search operations. Defying all international norms that guaranteed civil, political and human rights, and the remedies available to people in case of violations, India is continuing to expose its naked agenda that seeks to marginalize its minorities by physically exterminating them, psychologically undermining their spirit and obliterating their identity all while attempting to obfuscate the ugly communal façade that lurks under the umbrella of its so called ‘secular and democratic’ credentials.Ladies and Gentlemen, India can fool no one but itself. Its actions stand totally exposed. Therefore, it would be well advised to halt forthwith the gross and systematic persecution of Kashmiris in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, cease the use of state-terrorism as a policy tool, and let the people of IIOJK determine their own future through a free and impartial plebiscite under the United Nations auspices as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Pakistan also reminds the international community of its obligations and reiterates its call to hold India accountable for its gross and systematic violations of human rights in IIOJK. Let me also update you on Ukraine – Pakistan Embassy has shifted back to Kyiv on 31 May 2022 and remains available for all services to Pakistani nationals in Ukraine and to conduct diplomatic functions to advance our bilateral relations with Ukraine. You would recall that due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Embassy had moved to Ternopil from where it facilitated evacuation of over 1500 Pakistani nationals, including students.
Before I conclude let me also update you on Ukraine – Pakistan Embassy has shifted back to Kyiv on 31 May 2022 and remains available for all services to Pakistani nationals in Ukraine and to conduct diplomatic functions to advance our bilateral relations with Ukraine. You would recall that due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the Embassy had moved to Ternopil from where it facilitated evacuation of over 1500 Pakistani nationals, including students.
I thank you and am ready to take your questions.