Pak Navy’s relief operation continues in rain-hit areas of Karachi



Karachi, 31 Aug – Pakistan Navy’s relief operation continued in rain-hit areas of Karachi and Sindh. Pakistan Navy teams, besides rescue operation, provided cooked food, necessary ration items and established medical care centers for assistance of distressed populous.

Pakistan Navy has augmented relief and rescue activities in Karachi and Badin, Sindh. Pakistan Navy assisted repairing of LBOD overflow/ leakage in coordination with civil administration at District Badin. Different areas were also de-flooded.  Relief and rescue efforts were launched at various parts of Karachi and citizens were shifted to safer places. Hundreds of cooked food packets were distributed amongst the traumatized families in rain-hit area of Younis Abad & Kakka Pir, Nazimabad and Surjani Town. Additionally, thousands of bags containing necessary food items were also distributed in Surjani Town, Yaro khan Goth, Yousaf Goth, khamesso Goth covering diverse localities at Karachi and relief camps at District Badin.

Medical Camps established at Badin were reinforced with additional doctors and medics of Pakistan Navy.  Mobile medical teams visited various localities and provided treatment and medicines to over 1000 patients. Medical assistance was also extended to residents, forced to remain confined at their homes due widespread flooding in Defence and Clifton areas.

Pakistan Navy’s rescue & relief operation continues in Karachi and Sindh, to extend all out support in rain-hit areas.