Pakistan Navy observes world environment day


Karachi, 05 Jun  (DNA)  = With an aim to accentuate the significance of Environment and to promote awareness for its protection and preservation, Pakistan Navy observed the World Environment Day with due cognizance.

World Environment Day is observed internationally on 05 June every year under the auspices of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The purpose of the day is to lay importance andtoprovideawareness about the prevailing environment and stimulate attention towards its protection and preservation.

The theme selected for this year’s World Environment Day is ‘Biodiversity’ which is the core foundation supporting all life on earth. It affects every aspect of human health, provides clean air and water, nutritious food, natural disease resistance and climate change mitigation. Human actions including deforestation, encroachment on wildlife habitats, intensified agriculture, and acceleration of climate change, are pushing nature beyond its limit. If we continue on this path, biodiversity loss will have severe implications for humanity, including collapse of food and health systems.

Pakistan Navy also observes World Environment Day regularly to highlight thesignificance ofenvironment and to encourage awareness amongst personnel in proactively pursuing measures focusing on the marine environment. Numerous activities were arranged throughout the year which included Trees Plantation, Harbour and Beach Cleaning Campaigns, Environment Awareness Walks, Lectures & Seminars on significance of the day as well as Social Media Campaigns.Amidst the ongoing crisis of COVID-19 activities,while avoiding/ involving social gatherings,the efforts have now beenfocused on display of banners, distribution of pamphlets, publication of articles and telecast of event specific documentaries. Such events played a pivotal role in enhancing awareness regarding importance of environment amongst the general populace.

Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi in his message of the Day reaffirmed Pakistan Navy’s resolve and commitment to make every effort for betterment of our environment especially the marine environment. Naval Chief also directed men under command to initiate dedicated efforts and echoed that Pakistan Navy will continue to achieve its mission with rightful regard for the environment.