Pakistan Navy, Pakistan Maritime security agency save lives of seamen at sea

Pakistan Navy


ISLAMABAD, FEB 5 (DNA) – Pakistan Navy in coordination with Pakistan Maritime Security Agency saved the lives of 9 Indian seamen at sea. An Ocean Tug SAS-5 registered at St Kitts & Nevis was disabled for last few days near the Indian coast at a pisition 167 NM South East of Karachi. The tug suffered a failure of its electric generators and had no electrical supply.

In early morning of 04 Feb 24, Pakistan Navy Joint Maritime Information and Coordination Center (JMICC) received a distress signal from the Ocean. The Tug began its voyage from Indian port of Debhol at Maharashtra on 1st Feb 24 and was heading to Sharjah, UAE.

Upon receipt of information, Pakistan Navy in coordination with HQ PMSA generated response to initiate a Search & Rescue Operation to provide assistance to the stranded Tug. Initially, PN Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft was tasked to locate the tug at sea followed by a Search and Rescue operation by Pakistan Maritime Security Ship (PMSS) KASHMIR which was deployed on routine Maritime Security Operations in the area.

Upon reaching the distressed Tug, PMSS KASHMIR secured the Tug alongside and after three hours of strenuous repair efforts the defect was rectified. Besides technical assistance, medical facilities,fresh water and cooked meals were also provided to the fatigued crew of the Tug. Upon completion of SAR operation, the tug successfully resumed its voyage towards next port of call at Sharjah UAE.

The professional and timely response by PN & PMSA assets was highly acknowledged and lauded by the salvaged crew of the Tug.