Pakistan, Russia signs MoU on exchange of statistical data between Customs


SAINT PETERSBURG, JUN 15 /DNA/ – Pakistan and Russia today singed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Pakistan Customs and The Federal Customs Service (Russian Federation) on Exchange of Statistical Data on Mutual Trade, at the sidelines of Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum here today. 

Pakistan’s Ambassador to Russian Federation HE Mr. Shafqat Ali khan singed the MoU on behalf of Pakistan Customs while Secretary Commerce Mr. Muhammad Saleh Farooqi witnessed the signing ceremony. 

In order to implement this Memorandum, the Parties will cooperate in the sphere of exchange of information on the methodology used for the maintenance of foreign trade statistics, its significant changes, as well as the exchange of statistical data on mutual trade, except data, not subject to disclosure or constituting a state or commercial secret.

​The purposes of the exchange of information on the methodology used for the maintenance of foreign trade statistics, as well as the exchange of statistical data defined in this Memorandum, will be to provide both Parties with the necessary information on mutual trade.