Pakistan slams Israeli acts of hooliganism


Pakistan condemns these violent acts carried out by the Israeli Occupation forces and urges the international community for prompt action to protect Palestinians

Ansar M Bhatti

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Monday expressed is strong reservations on the recent developments in the occupied Palestinians territories. The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan in a strong-worded message said the situation was alarming and thus needed immediate response.

The Israelis are harassing people coming for prayers, arresting innocent Palestinians and committing other arbitrary restrictions in violation of fundamental human rights.

These illegal measures have seen an upsurge since the onset of the holy month of Ramadan, the Spokesman further said.

He said Pakistan condemned these violent acts carried out by the Israeli Occupation forces and urged the international community for prompt action to protect Palestinians.

Pakistan steadfastly supports the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination. For just and lasting peace, it is imperative to have a two-state solution in accordance with the relevant United Nations and OIC resolutions, with the pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as the capital of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian State, the Spokesman added.

It may be mentioned here that Palestine National Council (PNC) had said that the battle of Jerusalem, which was sparked by the heroes of this Holy City, came in response to the daily racist crimes committed by the occupation and its terrorist groups of settlers against the citizens of Jerusalem, and these crimes have escalated, especially since the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan.

In a press statement, PNC indicated that the Israeli occupation authorities have transformed the city of Jerusalem, the capital of our eternal state, as well as the neighborhoods of Jerusalem into military barracks, chased their sons, erected iron barriers in squares and yards, and attacked worshipers and prevented them from reaching the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

PNC had called for the unification of all Palestinian energy and capabilities, and to reject and abandon all that leads to weakening the front of confrontation and facing the Israeli occupation and its crimes, and to engage in this honorable national battle that the people of Jerusalem are waging with courage and valor on behalf of the Arab and Islamic nations.