Pakistan strongly condemns air strikes by Israel in Gaza


ISLAMABAD, MAY 11 (DNA) – Pakistan strongly condemned air strikes by Israel in Gaza that resulted in deaths and injuries to so many innocent Palestinians including children. This is yet another reprehensible action during the holy month of Ramadan, following the increased restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of Palestinians, and the attacks in and outside Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The indiscriminate use of force by Israeli forces against defenceless Palestinians, causing death and injuries, defies all humanitarian norms and human rights laws. Pakistan calls upon the international community to put an end to the blatant use of force and flagrant violation of human rights of the Palestinian people.

Establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine, on the basis of internationally agreed parameters, the pre-1967 borders, and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, is the only sustainable guarantee for peace in the region.