Pakistan’s PM expresses gratitude to Azerbaijani president




Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Imran Khan has sent a letter of thanks to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

“Excellency, I write to convey my gratitude for Azerbaijan’s decision to allocate $1 million as humanitarian aid for Pakistan to strengthen our efforts in combating the deadly COVID-19 pandemic,” the letter said.

“This thoughtful gesture in these challenging times is a manifestation of our close and fraternal relationship,” the letter said. “The people of Pakistan will remember this act of kindness by their Azerbaijani brethren.”

“Allow me also to congratulate you on successfully convening the recently held online Summit-level meeting of the NAM Contact Group in response to COVID-19 global threat,” the letter said. “This was a timely initiative. For an effective global response, we must all stand together and pursue a joint strategy with coordinated and unified implementation.”

“Availing myself of this opportunity to again convey my thanks to you and the people of Azerbaijan for this expression of solidarity in this holy month of Ramadan, I pray for your Excellency’s health, happiness and prosperity,” the letter said.

“Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,” the letter said.