Palestinians around the globe celebrate Nakba Day


Dr. Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan

The Israel forces have been wagging unstoppable human siege, cruelty, brutality, drastic demographic decomposition, social and political marginalization, alienation, and ruthless killing in its home land. Israel forces are also engaged to destroy our limited resources of human survival in shape of SME, agriculture, demolition of comfort zones (houses/homes) and building, massive displacement, harming natural harmony and racist separation walls etc.

On May 15, Palestinians living around the world commemorated 72nd Nakba Day.

It represents massive displacement of real owners of holy land, the Palestinians. It

showcases colossal pains, grieves and sorrows of native people of Palestine. It

upholds unshakable peaceful resolve of helpless Palestinians against vicious forces

of Israel, the champion of illegal occupier on the lands of Palestinians. Last but not

least, it also portrays unfinished struggle, uncompromised commitment and

unfading desire of Palestinians to reclaim their lands from Israel.

“Nakba Day” with statements and speeches.

Palestinians on Friday marked the 72nd anniversary of “Nakba Day” (“Day of

Catastrophe”) by vowing to thwart Israel’s plan to apply sovereignty to parts of the

West Bank and US President Donald Trump’s plan for Mideast peace, also known

as the Deal of the Century.

Despite due to natural calamity and sever cruelty of Israel a number of Fatah

activists held a small rally to protest US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s  visit to

Israel  this week. The activists carried a sign “Palestine is ours, Jerusalem is ours.”

PA President Mahmoud Abbas said in a televised speech that “those who created

our catastrophe wanted Palestine to be land without people or territories and were

betting that the name of Palestine would be erased from the records of history.”

To achieve their goal, Abbas said, “they practiced the ugliest conspiracies,

pressures, massacres and liquidation projects, the latest being the so-called Deal of

the Century.”

Abbas said that “despite all the obstacles, and despite all the aggressive occupation

policies, measures and violations, we are proceeding with confident steps towards

the restoration of our full rights and the removal of this hateful occupation.”

The Palestine President again repeated his threat to renounce all agreements with

Israel if the Israeli government implements its plan to apply sovereignty to any part

of the West Bank.

On its part, Fatah faction said in a statement that it would not abandon the goals of

its “revolution, particularly achieving the right of return [for Palestinian refugees

and their descendants to their former homes in Israel, self-determination, and

national independence.”

The immediate goal today, Fatah said, is to “confront the Deal of the Century and

the Israeli plan to annex areas of the West Bank.” Fatah added that the Palestinians

would “resist in every way this scheme that aims to liquidate the Palestinian cause

and the political rights of the Palestinian people.”

PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said that the “biggest challenge the

Palestinians are facing today is the Israeli threat to annex” parts of the West Bank.

The move, he said, “constitutes the last chapter of a systematic campaign to

destroy the possibility of establishing a Palestinian state.”

A Palestinian state can’t be established without Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and all of

the West Bank, including Area C and the Jordan Valley, Shtayyeh emphasized he

added. He further warned that the Israeli plan would not only end the two-state

solution, but also pose a threat to regional security and stability.

Palestine the land of unlimited prophecies and prosecutions, holy consensuses and

modern day conspiracies, existence of divinity and manmade destructions last but

not least mercy and mercilessness have been hub of power struggle and domination

of national narratives since centuries. In this connection, Nakba Day is

commemorated by Palestinians on May 15, the day after the Gregorian calendar

date for Israel’s independence.

“Nakba” is the Arabic word for “catastrophe” or “disaster” and the occasion

remembers the 700,000 Palestinians forced to flee as a result of the 1948 Arab-

Israeli War and seek refuge in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank and the Gaza

Strip, often without citizenship being granted.

Nakba Day commemorations typically take the form of rallies and speeches in

cities around Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, with Palestinian marchers commonly

brandishing placards, flags and house keys, the latter symbols of the homes and

still-deserted villages their families have not been allowed to return to.

However, this year the rallies have been cancelled amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has officially authorised digital activities to

observe the anniversary, with many planning to join virtual reality tours and Zoom

video chats.

This year’s is the 22nd since Palestinian Authority president  Yasser

Arafat  inaugurated the day in 1998 in response to Israeli celebrations marking half

a century of independence, but it had been unofficially commemorated as early as


Till day, more than 5.3 million Palestinian refugees live outside of Israel were

victims of ethnic cleansing during the 1948 conflict and insist on their right to

return to territory they consider their homeland.

Israel refuses to meet the demand because doing so would compromise the Jewish

nature of the state defying Resolution 194 passed by the UN in 1948, siding with

Palestinians on the issue.

As Palestinians around the world mark the 72nd year of their resistance to Israeli

dislocation and dispossession, thousands gathered online for a virtual rally to

commemorate Nakba Day and stood in opposition to land theft and annexation.

Justice, equality and dignity in Palestine/Israel must include Palestinians realizing

their right to return home. Nakba means catastrophe in Arabic, and Nakba Day

refers to the destruction of hundreds of Palestinian villages and the violent

expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians that began with Israel’s founding, and that

continues to this day.

The catastrophes of the Nakba continue through ongoing land theft and expulsion.

Israeli annexation means more deeply entrenched apartheid, more home and

village demolitions, and the further loss of Palestinian land, livelihoods, and

connections. All Palestinians stand together in resistance.

Palestinians suffered the pain of displacement between tents and camps and used to

sleep on ground under the sky since 1948. Their original homes were stolen and

they were left to live in crowded camps.

Unfortunately, Palestinians have also been victim of state terrorism and racist

policies of Israel. Constant apartheid policies of Israel have badly damaged

core of the society. Nevertheless, it has been vivid reflection of its collective

struggle, determination, nationalism, patriotic spirits and above all political means

to defend its rights of independence despite all hurdles.

With the passage of time, Israeli occupation has been further strengthened which is

still being implemented and making lives of common Palestinians miserable and

crestfallen. Israeli policy of annexation and grabbing of land from the real owners

(Palestinians) have been creating havocs in the lives of our people.

According to World Bank

report restrictions on Palestinian movement and access have serious repercussions

on its fragile national economy.

Despite all hurdles Palestinians are still fighting against all odds and hold the flag

of steadfastness and hope that one day siege of darkness and injustice may be over

and they will reclaim their lost paradise from illegal occupier Israel in the days to
