Performing arts personalities envoys of a nation’s soft image


Thai Consul General host dinner for the fraternity of Pakistan

 Karachi:The sharing of films, music and drama are the best means to project a country and its culture. The practitioners of performing arts should have good personal ties with counter parts in other countries. The Consul General of the Kingdom of Thailand in Karachi,

Thatree Chauvachata, made these remarks at a dinner hosted by him exclusively for prominent showbiz personalities in the city. Humayun Saeed, Farhan Agha, Maria Wasti, Erum Khan, Mona J, Nadeem Baig, Shahnaz  Ramzi, besides several others attended the reception.

The Thai consul general said he would like to foster better relations and deeper understanding between Thailand and Pakistan by acting as a conduit between the performing artistes of the two countries. He said he was glad to see that Pakistan’s showbiz industry was a vibrant one and Pakistani artistes should act as brand ambassadors of their nation.

He said that Thailand and Pakistan both possessed unique natural beauty and picturesque spots besides tourism sites. The showbiz industry of both countries should explore these avenues and also go for joint productions which would be mutually beneficial for both countries. He added that the Thai consulate in Karachi would always facilitate such efforts.

Humayun Saeed said the idea had merit and should be explored. Farhan Agha was of the opinion that Pakistani dramas were second to none and need to be introduced to other countries of the region. He said Thai production houses would find Pakistan a good venue for joint productions.

Thai Airways Country Manager Kanaporn Apinonkul speaking on the occasion said the increase in two-way traffic between Pakistan and Thailand demanded more additional flights from Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, particularly the federal capital.Attachments area