PM will address special event on Green Financing Innovations in country today


Islamabad, 03 june 2021 : Prime Minister Imran Khan will address a special event on Green Financing Innovations in the country today (Thursday). 

The event is being organized by the Ministry of Climate Change as part of the World Environment Day-2021 activities.

A joint statement to initiate dialogue with the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada for Pakistan’s first Nature Bond, and the possibility of a “Debt for Nature” Swap will be signed on the occasion.

This is being globally viewed as a landmark idea for future green financing and Pakistan is privileged to take the lead.

As part of its efforts towards protection of nature, Ministry of Climate Change is undertaking two major initiatives, which provide basis for Eco-system Restoration in the country.

First is the evaluation of country’s Natural Capital; and secondly it is engaging with partners for developing innovative financing instruments.

UN Environment Program’s flagship report on Natural Wealth indicates progressive trends, which the present government has successfully changed towards positive direction since 2018, especially for Forests and Grasslands.

At today’s event, World Bank’s study on “Blue Carbon” will also be presented which, for the first time, gives an economic value to the country’s unvalued marine wealth including Pakistan’s mangroves and seagrasses.

Both these studies have paved the ground to give an economic value to Pakistan’s Natural Capital in both terrestrial and marine eco-systems.

An MoU with China’s Elion group would be signed for piloting green ecological zones in Pakistan.