Preserving Treasure Trove of the Cultural Capital

Preserving Treasure Trove of the Cultural Capital

Abdul Rashid Shakir

[email protected]

How mesmerizing were the chants of “Lahore Lahore Eiy” and “Jinne Lahore NaiTakya, JammiyaNai” a top double-decker bus of Punjab Tourism Department, built especially for an enriching tour of the Lahore city in order to acquaint riders with the cultural heritage, architectural landmarks and historical footprints of the past. Mall Road, Jail Road, Ferozpur Road, Data Darbar (Ali Hajveri Shrine), and Greater Iqbal Park housing three historical sites of Minar-e-Pakistan, Badshahi Masjid and Lahore Fort were the major attractions enroute.

Rich culture of Punjab, including circus, theater, death well, vending kiosks, food stalls, merry-go-round and other adrenaline-inducing swings and rides, was attracting tourists of all ages, gender and interests. Strolling in the spacious grassy lawns, boating in the winding lake, colorful dancing fountains, well-litbuildings and engaging background music were added a lot to make this excursion really memorable and worthwhile.

The Government of Punjab, under the leadership of its active and a gile Caretaker Chief Minister Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi, is taking remarkable measures not only to preserve Punjab’s rich cultural heritage but also to promote its valuable historical treasure. It recent decision to recover, develop and open for tourism 12 historical gates of the Walled City of Lahore, besides rehabilitating other historical sites in Punjab like Ram Piyari Mahal Gujrat, Ranjit Singh Haveli Gujranwala and Kharak Singh Haveli Lahore is a major initiative in this regard. The Government has directed the Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA) to work expeditiously on resurrecting the old cultural glory of the Punjab province.

Reminiscent of the hey days of Mughal, Sikh and British empires, 12 gian this to ricalgates of the Walled City of Lahore include Delhi Gate, Roshnai Gate, Bhati or Bhatti Gate, Sheran waor Khizri Gate, Lohari or Lahori Gate, Kashmiri Gate, Akbari Gate, Yakkior Zakki Gate, Masti Gate, Shah Alam Gate, Mochi Gate, Texalior Taxali Gate.

Connected with a thirty feet high fortified wall, these 12 Gates along with a Mori (Asmallholeinthewall) were the 13 entrances or passage ways to the Walled Cityor‘ Androon-e-Shehr’ Lahore.

Out of these 13 Gates or entrances of Lahore, only 6 survived ravages of time while other 7 have go neextinct.

ExistingGatesincludingDelhiGate, Bhati Gate, Sheranwala Gate, Kashmiri Gate, Lohari Gate and Mori Gate were actually reconstructed during the British era.Only Roshnai Gatest and in its original form. On the other hand, the traces of the remaining gates namely Taxali Gate, Masti Gate, Yakki Gate, Mochi Gate andAkbarigateceasedtoexist.

Data Darbar (Shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajveri, RA) is located right outside Bhati gate; Wazeer Khan Mosque islocatedinsideDelhiGate, and canal so be approached from Kashmiri Gate; Muslim Masjid,tombofQutb-Ud-DinAibak, and the mostfamousAnarkalibazaararesituatedinfrontofLohariGate; Hazuri Baghis located right beside Roshnaigate; and the narrow alleys of Sheranwalaor Khizri Gate throng with various necessities of life.

The largest wholesale and retail market of Lahor, ‘Akbari Mandi’, is located closet othe place where Akbari Gate is supposed to be; the other busiest and biggest whole sale market of Lahore, Shah Almi market, is located in side Shah Alamor Shah Almi Gate. The area is filled with different bazaars including Rang Mahal, Soha Bazaar, Kanari Bazaar and Dabi Bazaar. Everything from garments to footwear, and jewelry to crockery can be found here.

MastiGateislocatedrightbehindLahoreFort,andisfamousforitsfoodlikeRabriWala Doodh. Mochi Bagh, a major site for political gatherings, was located insideMochiGate.NisarHaveliandLaalHaveliaremajorlandmarksofthearea.

TaxaliorTexaliGateisnamedafterTaxol(RoyalMint) which used to exist near the gate. However, neither the Gate nor the mintexist today. Famous eateries like Phajja Paye and Halwa Puriare found here. Yakkior Zakki Gate is famous for a school for blind individuals nearby, apart from numerous Havelis.

Mori Gate was the smallest gate of the Walled City, hence named Mori whichmeans a small hole in Urdu. Had the Mori Gate existed, it would have been foundbetweentheLahoriandBhatiGates.UrduBazaarislocatedacrosstheMoriGate.

Rehabilitation and maintenance of these historical gates would not only preservetherichculturalheritageofLahorebutwouldalsoprojectasofterimageofthecountrybypromotingvariousculturalandtouristactivitiesinthearea.Thesedeadline-driven interventions of the Punjab Government would not only attractscoresoflocaltouristsbutwouldalsolureinhistory-lovingforeignvisitors.

The Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA) is doing a commendable job inpreserving the rich cultural heritage and architectural monuments of the gloriousbygone days of the history of the Subcontinent. It is a semi-governmentalorganization established by the Government of the Punjab under The Walled Cityof Lahore Act 2012 for the conservation, development, and management of theWalledCityofLahorebesideslookingafterheritagesitesintheentireprovince.