PTI demands free, snap polls sole panacea to country’s problems


• Says polls escapers want to create chaotic, civil war like situation
• Demands formation of commission to probe riots
• Condemns PTI Chairman’s adduction, arrest of leaders, workers
• Expresses solidarity with families of martyred, injured, arrested workers
• Blasts govt for handing over red-zone to a private militia

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) reiterated its demand that free, fair, transparent and immediate elections across the country was the sole constitutional panacea to the prevailing internal instability and political and economic crises.
An important high level meeting of central leaders was presided over by Chairman PTI Imran Khan here on Sunday.
During the meeting, they strongly condemned the abduction of PTI Chairman from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) premises and discussed the country’s overall political situation, PTI’s political strategy and future course of actions threadbare.
It was said that the only the fair, transparent and snap polls could get the county out of the current quagmire of problems. However, they said that they said that the group opposing and resisting the elections by violating the constitution wanted to create chaos and civil war like situation in the country to avoid the elections.
During the meeting, the PTI leadership decided to register cases against NAB and Rangers. They strongly rejected the false, absurd and baseless propaganda being hatched at the state level against PTI based on the events of May 9.
The statement reads that PTI is a completely peaceful, democratic political party and believes in politics within the ambit of law.
It was said that PTI’s 27-year history was completely devoid of violence and incitement, adding that even in the most difficult situation, PTI and its Chairman Imran Khan exercised restraints and never violated the law.
It was said that in the aftermath of the assassination attack on Imran Khan on November 3, PTI staged protest demonstrations at thousands of places across the country, but not a single incident of violence happened anywhere.
They said that efforts were being made to protect and safeguard those who planned the nationwide riots under the guise of controlled media and false propaganda.
The statement reads that PTI demands a comprehensive probe into the deliberate attempts to create chaos during the peaceful protests and firing at civilians.
It was demanded that a high-level empowered commission comprising judges of the Supreme Court should be formed to investigate the testimonies of innocent citizens and attempts to create chaotic situation in the country on May 9.
Moreover, it was decided to register cases of innocent citizens killed during peaceful protests, wherein the involved police officers, including the federal interior minister, the caretaker chief ministers of Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and the IGs would be nominated.
The PTI leadership expressed full solidarity with the families of martyred, injured and arrested workers during the peaceful protests.
During the meeting, they strongly condemned the plan of seminaries students to attack SC under the leadership of Fazlur Rehman.
In addition, they expressed grave concern over the handing over of Islamabad, especially the Red Zone, to the armed private militia of a government allied party.
During the meeting, PTI expressed complete solidarity with the apex court and decided to respond with full public force to the tactics to blackmail the SC or obstruct performance of constitutional duties.
It was said that it was akin to the brutal murder of constitution not to hold elections in Punjab in the constitutionally mandated period today despite the order of the SC.
The party leadership declared that the caretaker government of Punjab had no legal and constitutional justification to continue anymore.
The party leadership agreed on the preparation of a comprehensive legal action plan pertaining to the future of the interim governments of Punjab and KP.
In the meeting, a detailed and comprehensive briefing was also given regarding the Al-Qadir Trust case against Chairman Imran Khan and his wife.
It was said that the Al-Qadir Trust case was nothing but an absurd attempt of political victimization of PTI Chairman and his wife.
In the meeting, they strongly condemned the ongoing illegal crackdown against party’s workers, leaders and citizens across the country and decided to take legal action at national and local level for the release of detained leaders and workers.
During the meeting, PTI leadership also strongly condemned the ban imposed on the internet and social media across the country and said that they resorted to such censorship to suppress the truth.
PTI demanded that the federal government should immediately lift the ban on the internet and social media.
During the meeting, they thanked the millions of Pakistanis who came out from their homes for “real independence, ‘save the constitution, save the country” today on the call of the chairman.
They strongly condemned the arrest of people who left their homes to hold peaceful protests at various places including Lahore.