PTI strongly condemns police raid on Omar’s residence

Police raid Omar Ayub's house after ATC Sargodha issues arrest warrants

PTI Spokesperson wows to fight for constitutional supremacy, haqeeqi azadi despite all odds


ISLAMABAD, JUL 8: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Spokesperson strongly criticized Islamabad and Mianwali police raid on the residence of the Leader of the Opposition Omar Ayub and vowed that they would continue their just struggle for restoration of the constitution, democracy and true independence in the country regardless of all challenges.

PTI Spokesperson stated that the attempt to arrest PTI Central Secretary General was a cowardly move and attack on democracy because he was voluntarily and regularly appearing in the court proceedings in the dozens of fabricated, bogus and politically motivated cases across the country.

He lambasted the fascist tactics of the mandate-stolen government and added that this unjust and unlawful act was the continuation of the oppressive and dictatorial tradition to crush dissent and erase opposition through brutal state power.

PTI Spokesperson urged the Speaker of the National Assembly to take immediate notice of the provocative and unlawful actions of the mandate-thief governments of Punjab and the center and should take action against the responsible at the parliamentary level.

He vowed that the issue of police brutality against the Opposition Leader would be raised on the floor of house and the mandate thieves would be held accountable in this regard.

PTI Spokesperson said that every worker and member of PTI, including Omar Ayub, was a symbol of resistance against the fascists and under the leadership of Imran Khan, they would not budge an inch from their stated and principled position and would continue their just struggle for the restoration of the constitution, democracy and the real freedom of the country and the nation in all adversarial circumstances.