PTI supports Amnesty International’s demand for immediate restoration of social media

PTI supports Amnesty International’s demand for immediate restoration of social media


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Spokesperson said that PTI fully endorsed Amnesty International’s demand for immediate restoration of social media platform X (formerly Twitter), saying that Pakistan had been made a laughing stock in the international community due to the unjustified blockage on social media and the chain of oppression against own citizens.

PTI Spokesperson said that the fake government’s unjustified closure of the Internet, especially social media websites on daily basis in order to conceal facts regarding the mandate theft in the general elections provided opportunities to the world to ridicule Pakistan.

He stated that the constitution of the country was virtually suspended during the past 23 months and basic constitutional rights were being openly trampled upon under the feet.

PTI Spokesperson said: “It is shameful that X has remained blocked in the country for over one month now. We fully endorse 28 civil society organisations’ demand for immediate removal of ban on the social media platform allowing free flow of information as should be the case in a democratic country.”

He went on to say that the murder of freedom of expression and press had been the topmost priority of the usurped and anti-constitutional group.

PTI Spokesperson stated that all kinds of coercive and brutal tactics ranging from enforced disappearances to blackmailing their families had been used to target the impartial journalists and social media workers.

He lamented that despite all state oppression, efforts were afoot to strangulate the freedom of expression and press to suppress the critical sane voices in order to establish unconstitutional control over the media.

PTI Spokesperson stated that the unelected and undemocratic government of people-rejected PDM-2 continued the shameful series of violations of all fundamental and constitutional rights without any fear of accountability.

He continued that the people’s basic constitutional right of freedom of expression and press was usurped in order to conceal the facts relating to theft of people mandate in the general elections and to impose the rejected characters on the nation once again fraudulently.

PTI Spokesperson made it clear that the closure of social networking websites by the authorities without any reason and justification was a violation of Article 19 of the Constitution and international laws.

He said that PTI supported the statement of Amnesty International and demanded immediate restoration of social media platform ‘X’.

PTI Spokesperson stressed that the unelected and unconstitutional government should avoid steps such as imposing restrictions on freedom of expression and press to save its fake rule because it would further escalate the political and economic instability in the country.