Ramadan 2024: Fidya, Fitrana amount in Pakistan announced

Muneebur Rehman

LAHORE – Prominent religious figure Mufti Muneebur Rehman has announced Fidya and Fitrana amount for Ramadan 2024 in Pakistan.

Fidya is paid by Muslims for skipping a fast for health, travel and other issues as observing all the maximum 30 fasts during the holy month is obligatory for all faithfuls. Following is the structure for Fidya amount for this year:

Fidya Amount 2024 in Pakistan

Fidya Amount2024WheatBarleyDatesRaisins
Rs300 per rozaRs600 per rozaRs2,400 per rozaRs4,400 per roza
Rs9000 for 30 fastsRs18,000 for 30 fastsRs72,000 for 30 fastsRs132,000 for 30 fasts

Affluent Muslims can pay more than the fixed amount.

Fitrana Amount 2024 in Pakistan

Fitrana Amount2024WheatBarleyDatesRaisins 
Rs300 per personRs600 per personRs2,400 per personRs4,400 per person 

Kafara Amount 2024 in Pakistan

Mufti Muneeb said the Kaffara is paid by Muslims for breaking a fast without a valid reason. The Kaffarah as per Islamic rules is to feed two meals to 60 deserving people. The cost is Rs18,000 for two kilos of wheat flour, Rs36,000 rupees for 4kg barley, Rs144,000 for four kilos of dates, and Rs264,000 for 4kg of raisins.