Sneering Politics


Criteria set forth by Higher Education Commission to appoint a full Professor make one startled. It requires Ph.D. from an HEC-recognized Institution, 15 years of teaching/research experience in HEC recognized University, and 15 research publications. Scholars give their blood, sweat, and tears to secure the prestigious title of Professor. But Pakistan’s politics is so exotic that one spending less than fifteen years of his/her life in deluxe prison can claim that he/she could do wonders if he becomes Prime Minister, Minister of Education, Finance, Foreign, Health and Defenceetc. does not matter whether he/she hasever seen the universitygate or not. Furthermore, he/she would be considered a seasoned politician, and market value may increase if his/her profile has a seal of Adalia or any other jail in Pakistan.

Pakistanis being the slaves of Englishmen, feel proud to make carbon copies of their certain spheres of life. Mostly our political elites also like to enjoy their leisure time in the West. But they do not copy when it comes to the competence and professional cabilities of English political elite serving in a competent and inclusive environment. For instance, Jeremy Hunt, Chancellor of the Exchequer, UK is a graduate of Oxford University where he took a first-class honors Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree while studying economics, politics, and philosophy.

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury of Global Sherriff – the US − went on to earn her Ph.D. at Yale University.  She was an assistant professor at Harvard until 1976. She is Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley. Our elite has just simple concerns including what they are wearing, how they live their lives, and what and how they eat. In fact, they are far more away than where we are.

Article 105 (3) (a) and 224 (2) are very much clear in the script but our one reputable politician mocked the said articles duly formulated by his Father-in-law. He claimed that I have studied numerous books on the economy which enable me to raise the foreign exchange reserves to $100 billion. It would be a wonder and favor for the poor and illiterate people of Pakistan and may be counted as the 8th wonder of the world. Actually, we the people are responsible for these sneering political statements. Once a top official said in a meeting that, “if you (people) have any problem with them, then why do you even cast a single ballot in favor of them?”Meanwhile, a squeezed politician maligned that official to the extent that Pakistan stands forced to witness the Black Day of May 9, 2023. We as a nation condemn such violence against the state and its esteemed institutions. We are lagging behind in terms of Political awareness and comprehension and the value of vote to elect our representative. If we still adopt the same course then it will be our destiny to hear and face so-called politicians and putrid political system.