Speech of the prime minister at SCO summit


Islamabad,  Oct 16 (DNA) :We stand at a pivotal moment in history, where tectonic shifts are taking place in the social, political, economic and security spheres. However, I firmly believe that from the platform of SCO, which symbolizes the spirit of collaboration, we have the resolve and determination to forge a brighter, more prosperous and secure future for our people, and the region. Let us seize this opportunity to envision a path forward, that is inclusive and beneficial for all Member-States.


Last year, when Pakistan assumed the Chair of this august forum, we reiterated our priorities in the fields of regional peace and stability, strengthening interconnectivity and sustainable development and promoting socio-cultural initiatives, which we believe are vital for the Organization’s future and our collective advancement.

With the help of our brotherly Member-States, we have been able to progress on this path, which is reflected in the Joint Communiqué of our meeting, that aptly highlights our common vision of strengthening sustainable and inclusive economic growth, through inter-connectivity and relevant financial support mechanisms; coordinating efforts in the spheres of green development and environmental protection; while also enhancing socio-cultural ties, through academic and tourism linkages, as well as by sharing best practices to combat poverty and empowering our women and youth.

We are also pleased that during our chairmanship, a number of positive and forward-looking initiatives were adopted. These included concepts on establishing the SCO Economic Preference Base; Cooperation between Trade Promotion Organizations of the SCO Member-States; Framework for Cooperation among the SCO Member-States in the field of creative economy development; and the SCO New Economic Dialogue Program.

I propose that we collectively enter into the implementation phase of these concepts through Plans of Action, which will strengthen and deepen the existing cooperation among Member-States in the economic and trade spheres.               

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Owing to its contiguity with the SCO region, a socio-economically stable Afghanistan can offer all Member-States, viable and economically beneficial trade and transit routes for better connectivity. A stable Afghanistan is crucial for achieving this objective. While the international community must extend the needed assistance to help Afghan Interim Government in staving off the humanitarian crisis and preventing an economic meltdown, it must also demand from the Afghan Interim Government to take concrete measures to promote political inclusivity, as well as to ensure that its soil is not used for terrorism against its neighbours, by any entity.


Economic collaboration is at the heart of SCO engagement. Investment in regional infrastructure projects, such as transport and energy corridors, is crucial for economic integration. In this regard, Pakistan welcomes the decisions of the SCO Council of Heads of State on Strategy for the Development of Energy Cooperation, for the period up to 2030, as well as the establishment of Association of Investors.

While welcoming all connectivity initiatives by SCO countries, Pakistan strongly advocates for establishing a robust SCO connectivity framework, which not only serves as a gateway for regional trade, but also takes the vision of Eurasian connectivity and trade to the next level.

To this end, projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and International North-South Corridor (INSC) can be expanded to improve connectivity, focusing on roads, railways, and digital infrastructure.

Let us not look at such projects through the narrow political prism and invest in our collective connectivity capacities, which are crucial to advancing the shared vision of an economically integrated region. Let us work together for a well-integrated and prosperous region that benefits all Member-States.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Combating poverty is not just a moral imperative but a fundamental driver of economic development and prosperity. Presence of the largest number of poor people on the planet within the SCO borders obliges us to have closer cooperation for poverty alleviation.

 As the permanent chair of SCO Special Working Group to Combat Poverty, Pakistan carried out several joint seminars, webinars, etc. aimed at sharing of knowledge and best practices. We will continue to provide the required impetus to our collective efforts to address the root causes of poverty, enabling Member-States to unlock their full economic potential, create sustainable growth and improve the overall quality of life of their citizens.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

The unpredictable climate changes are the greatest threat to humanity’s existence. Its devastation is colossal and transcends all borders. Combating climate change and protecting the environment within the SCO region, is essential for ensuring sustainable development, economic stability and social well-being.

As one of the most climate vulnerable countries, Pakistan testifies to the need for prioritizing environmental cooperation among Member-States, to enhance resilience, foster collaboration and secure a safer future for our present and future generations.

We welcome the recently concluded SCO Agreement on Environmental Protection and urge Member-States to actively collaborate in all such efforts at the regional and global scale.

Pakistan has developed an innovative model of technology-based, proactive disaster management system, which provides early warning for emergencies relating to climate change. This has enabled us to undertake timely corrective measures to save precious resources of men and material. Pakistan looks forward to organizing simulation exercises for the relevant ministries and departments of SCO countries, to enable them to make country specific disaster management responses.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Unilateral coercive or protectionist measures run contrary to international law, curb economic growth and disproportionately hurt scientific and technological development of affected countries. The international financial architecture and the world trade and technology regimes must be reformed and aligned to promote development and global equity.

Over the years, we have built a strong base for SCO’s development cooperation matrix.

 However, there is a growing realization that a gap exists between the Organization’s aspirations and our performances. This is particularly so between the raft of Agreements and MoUs we have signed and their implementation. It is time we translate our political will into action on the ground.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

The SCO Consortium of Economic Analytic Think Tanks is an important forum of scholars who understand the intricacies of economies and trade trends. Their academic inputs can improve the canvas of regional economic and trade patterns. As Chair of the Consortium, Pakistan led the useful research work this year, which has been shared with Member States.

As Heads of Governments, we need to encourage our private sectors to create a conducive environment for business and investment promotion within the SCO region. With the participation of SCO Business Council, Pakistan’s Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, held a very useful Conference on the side-lines of the meeting of SCO Ministers for External Trade on 12 September 2024 in Islamabad. I encourage the Business Council to regularly hold such events to enhance interaction among our business community.

We observe a clear understanding among all SCO Member-States about the need for settlement in mutually acceptable currencies. In the face of unilateral sanctions on some of the SCO Member-States, SCO’s Interbank Union is rightly placed to discuss and resolve the banking issues, which can translate into a multiplier effect for enhancing trade within the SCO region.

Pakistan also supports the proposal to create an SCO alternative development funding mechanism, to give the needed impetus to various stalled development initiatives. We also welcome the timely decision of the SCO Council of Heads of State on the mechanisms of financial support to project activities of SCO.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen;

Pakistan strongly believes that a strengthened and effective SCO can spearhead sustainable development in the region. We, therefore, support the ongoing efforts to reform and modernize the SCO, including the provision of adequate resources to the SCO Secretariat and SCO RATS, which will lead to their effectiveness and implementation capacities.

Last but not the least, SCO’s strength lies not only in its political and economic dimensions, but also in its rich cultural diversity. Pakistan values the importance of fostering people-to-people connections and cultural exchanges among our Member-States. By promoting mutual understanding and respect, we can build a foundation for lasting cooperation that transcends borders and enriches our societies.

I thank you all.