Station Commander visits RCCI



RAWALPINDI, SEPT 29 – Cantonment Board Rawalpindi President and Station Commander Brigadier Ijaz Qamar Kayani visited the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) and talked to the business community about the ongoing development projects in the city, parking issues and tax relief.

Brigadier Ijaz Qamar apprised the business community that under the Scheme “Public Outreach” a program has been launched to regularize illegal residential buildings.

There are more than 30,000 illegal buildings and the major aim of this scheme was to legalise all illegal structures in the cantonment areas to bring the practice to an end and provide relief.

Under the scheme illegal residential buildings can get the map approved in just 3 days as RCB charges a meager amount of Rs2,500 from the people to get their plans surveyed and regularized.

In addition, property taxes have been waived due to the Corona epidemic. Under which residential property will be taxed at 10% instead of 20% and commercial property at 15% instead of 30%.

To address the parking issue, a new parking site has been identified where shop owners and salesmen can park their cars/ motorbikes free of cost, he added.

Station Commander also shared the latest update on remodeling and extension of Ammar Chowk and Kutchery chowk. A beautification project has been launched to beautify entry and exit points of Rawalpindi and also work is in progress to save the heritage and old buildings.

Earlier, President RCCI Saboor Malik, lauded RCB for the key steps taken to end encroachment in the city, addressing the parking problem in Sadar area and beautifying the city and said that the business community was very grateful to the station commander for taking personal interest.

Group leader and former president RCCI Sohail Altaf said that the scope of construction package should be extended to Cantonment and immediate steps should be taken in this regard as December 31 is the last date.

On this occasion Senior Vice President Nosherwan Khalil Khan, Vice President Hamza Sarosh, Former Presidents Asad Mashhadi, Shahid Saleem, Newly elected President Nasir Mirza, Senior Vice President Usman Ashraf and Vice President Shahrai z A Malik, Members of the executive Committee, Representatives of Anjuman-e-Tajiran , Sheikh Hafeez, Zahid Bakhtawari, Zafar Qadri, Munir Baig and Chamber members were also present.