Surge in COVID-19 Cases in Singapore: Over 25,900 New Cases Reported


COVID-19 Wave Hits Singapore

Singapore is experiencing a fresh surge in COVID-19 cases, with over 25,900 infections reported earlier this month, according to Newsweek. This spike comes even after Health Minister Ong Ye Kung recommended mask-wearing again on Saturday.

Health Minister’s Advisory and Predictions

“We’re at the start of this wave, and cases are steadily increasing,” Ong noted. “I expect the peak in the next two to four weeks, likely between mid and late June.”

Rising Case Numbers and Hospital Impact

The Ministry of Health (MOH) highlighted that COVID-19 cases from May 5 to 11 reached 25,900, a significant jump from 13,700 the previous week. Average daily hospitalizations due to COVID-19 rose to about 250 from 181, while ICU cases remained low, with an average of three cases, up from two.

Measures to Protect Healthcare Capacity

To ensure sufficient hospital bed capacity, public hospitals have been instructed to cut back on non-urgent elective surgeries. Ong emphasized the importance of protecting those most at risk, including individuals over 60 and those medically vulnerable.

Vaccine Recommendations for At-Risk Groups

Ong also urged residents of aged care facilities to get an additional COVID-19 vaccine dose if they haven’t been vaccinated in the past year. He warned that if cases double once, Singapore’s healthcare system could handle the 500 patients, but a second doubling to 1,000 patients would significantly strain the hospitals.