Munir Ahmed

Congratulations to the Communist Party of China (CPC) for completing a century of progressive leadership for successive growth on July 1, 2021. The CPC emerged in very crucial days of Chinese history to liberate the natives from the socio-economic sufferings.

The CPC slogan of social equality and economic parity well attracted the natives to fight a civil war against the Kuomintang – the Nationalist Party of China (NPC), and then the Japanese invasion during World War II. Before having complete control over China, the CPC has to fight once again the NPC.

The CPC’s role had become crucial after declaring China’s independence on October 1, 1949 while the civil war was still on. The CPC took up a war-trodden country to make it the second largest economy in the world in less than 70 years. China will beat the US once a fair ranking is done. The Chinese economy kept moving even last year despite the Covid-19 spread while many countries could not sustain the pressure.   

We shall objectively analyze the elements behind the success of a country that has been burdened by over-population. A half of its total population was under the poverty-line just a decade back. The US think tank Statista mentions that 49.8 percent of the China population was below the poverty-line in 2000 and there is no one by 2020.[1] It simply seems like a miracle. But, China has shown that an astounding vision by the political party, a phenomenal leadership, a consistent pro-people political regime and its policies can make it happen in a short span of time. The CPC is commendable for providing all three to China.      

‘One party – One vision’ has successfully transformed China from an undirected and idle mob to a globally techno-efficient nation and second largest economy on the map. We have seen China overshadow the “developed democratic countries” even on the diplomatic fronts and UN forums for affording capital and human resources to promote peace in the regions suffering from conflicts. We cannot undermine China’s role in voicing the needful right of peace and development for Palestine and Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K).   

The brains in a political party can help the leadership develop and pursue an initiative of the century such as “One Belt – One Road” that has been renamed as Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). As of January 2021, some 140 countries have signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China.[2] It shows the world’s trust on China’s model of connectivity, infrastructure development and networking for economic growth.

The BRI is a brainchild of President Xi Jinping who is blamed for “consolidated control over the party” – the CPC since he assumed power in 2012. President Xi’s critics mention that he has created a path for his indefinite rule as China’s legislative body ended the limit of presidential term under his “authoritative control”.

It may be a bad practice in terms of present popularly defined democratic norms but his “authoritative control”, if so, has delivered the best to China and its global positioning in eight years. His only one achievement is fairly sufficient to defend his “authoritative control” and that is getting a half of the population of his country out of poverty.

Back in Pakistan, the dictatorial president Ayub Khan’s era is considered to be the best in terms of development and diplomacy. Even the three times prime minister, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was also blamed for directing his cabinet and colleagues to find out ways to complete certain tasks in the given time period. Many believed that he had “control” over the party. Even today, he is blamed for running party decisions from the UK.       

The CPC is blamed for “monopoly” in the Chinese politics since the Mao Zedong–led party defeated nationalist rivals and founded the People’s Republic in 1949. Far less people know that eight other political parties including Nationalists Party China (NPC) also exist in the country but their vote bank is negligible as compared to the ruling party. Only the CPC members are more than ninety million.[3]  

In its centennial celebrations, the CPC also faces a raft of challenges. The utmost is the “economic war” with the US that has taken it very seriously. President Biden’s launching of the Build Back Better World (B3W) at the G-7 summit recently shows the concerns and worries of the only superpower. It’s too late for him to do so. The CPC’s China has gone far ahead in the BRI initiative.

China has been blamed for environmental degradation and transboundary pollution by the developed industrial world – the world’s top polluters including the US. China has remained firm on its global commitments under the Paris Agreement 2015 to combat the challenges of climate change while the US backed out during the Trump’s administration. The CPC 90 million members are leading environmental campaigns within China.  

China being an all-weather friend has always supported Pakistan in the odd hours. Recent loans to sustain the IMF, and huge investments in Pakistan under the CPEC regime are a few in the long list of favours. We need to learn from the CPC that has stayed true to its original aspiration and mission of pursuing the wellbeing of the Chinese people and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. And, the way it united the Chinese people and led them in an arduous and tireless struggle that brought about fundamental changes in the destiny and future of the Chinese people individually and as a nation.

The writer is a freelance journalist and broadcaster, Director Devcom-Pakistan, an Islamabad-based policy advocacy and outreach think tank. He can be reached at [email protected] and tweets @EmmayeSyed