Ulema condemn Quran desecration in Denmark


Bureau Report

LAHORE: Islam is a religion of peace and security and the teachings of the Holy Quran promote peace, affection, tolerance, and harmony. The governments should take immediate action against the blasphemers who desecrate the Holy Quran in Sweden and Netherlands, said Ulema-Mashaykh and religious leadership.

Ulema-Mashaykh and religious leadership observed “Sanctity of Quran and Namoos-e-Risalat ﷺ Day” here on Friday and addressing the religious congregations all over Pakistan underlined that there is a need to legislate from the forum of the United Nations Organizations (UNO) to make an end to Islamophobia. The clerics also stressed that there should be legislation at the global level for the sanctity of all the heavenly religions and divine books.

All those who blasphemies the sanctity of the Holy Quran, Prophets and Namoos-e-Risalat of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ hurt the sentiments of 1.7 billion Muslims across the world. Ulema-Mashayakh made it clear that sacrilegious remarks about the sanctity of any religion cannot be termed as freedom of expression.