UN-GCNP concerned over growing gender gap


KARACHI , APRIL 09  :  The UN Global Compact Network Pakistan expressed its concern over the growing gender gap in Pakistan and called upon the government to accord priority to address this distressing situation. Highlighting Principle 6 of the 10 Principles of UN Global Compact that calls for the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, the GCNP stated that Pakistan’s gender gap has widened as it ranked 15th in, and opportunities for women.

GCNP further stated that girls are deprived of education, women are discriminated in job security and benefits, and the female population are also susceptible to the negative impacts of the economy. Pakistan is also a constituent of ILO and despite assurances given to ILO, Pakistan continues to slide down the gender parity.

Moreover, women workers are also subject to violence and sexual harassment. It also added that the WEF report said that “Another generation of women will have to wait for gender parity, as the impact of the COVID pandemic continues to be felt, closing the global gender gap has increased by a generation from 99.5 years to 135.6 years.”

GCNP said that it is now the responsibility of the private sector to ensure gender parity and showcase to the world that all practical efforts would be initiated to improve the country’s position in the global gender gap index. It added that its action plan includes the component of Girl 2030 program that would focus on access and inclusivity in trade and industry. This focus would be on the development of young women and provide skills, vocational training, mentoring, job placement, and business start-ups.

Fasihul Karim Siddiqi, Executive Director GCNP disclosed that the action plan would also provide guidance and inspiration to its members to develop transformational leadership in their enterprises that would introduce meaningful changes to enhance the access and inclusion of female employees.

He added that there is also an imperative need to change the working conditions so that women employees are also encouraged to take on tasks that at present they are prohibited by law to undertake. Today, women are pilots, truck drivers, etc. and hence it is worthwhile for enterprises to enable diversity in their environment.