UNIDO introduces energy performance awards



Islamabad, AUG 17: A first-ever Energy Performance Awards 2022 in Pakistan was organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Islamabad.The event was graced by Federal Minister of Industries and production Syed Murtaza Mahmud, who as the chief Guest distributed awards among the winners.

Honorable Minister in his remarks said, “It is heartening to see that UNIDO is bringing a new concept to incentivize energy efficiency actors in Pakistan. It is indeed an honor for the people, government, and other relevant institutions of Pakistan that UNIDO has worked so hard and achieved so much in this project that was much needed in an energy deficient environment.

Mr. Tareq EMTAIRAH, Director Energy – UNIDO, joined virtually from UNIDO HQ Vienna, and shared with the audience, “Pakistan, brings with it a broad yet specialized global expertise from UNIDO with its successful approaches to energy transition and energy efficiency. The success of this project is evident from the fact that a new paradigm of energy excellence has been created, where many industries have embraced the new concept of the energy management system and have gained immensely in terms of cost saving as well as continual improvements at operational levels.”

Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Julien Harneis, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Pakistanappreciated UNIDO and the GEF for creating avenues to jointly counter climate change, a global challenge. He added the steps taken to introduce energy management standards to improve industrial development are indeed commendable and this is high time that we should all work together to reduce their adverse impact on the environment.”

Earlier, opening the ceremony, Ms. Nadia Aftab, UNIDO Country Representative, extended appreciation to the applicant industries for participating and said, “The objective of the UNIDO Sustainable Energy Projectis to reduce GHG emissions through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency technologies, meets many of the 17 SDGs but is closest to SDG 9, which is related to Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure.”. She also opined on UNIDO’s mandate to eradicate poverty through inclusive and Sustainable Industrial development whichimplies that no one is left behind and all parts of society benefit from industrial progress.

Dr. Sardar Muhazzam, MD National Energy Efficiency, and Conservation Authority appreciated the efforts of UNIDO and the GEF in setting up new standards for industries with the implementation of an Energy Management System in the industries in Pakistan.

The Energy Performance Awards for Industry were heldunder UNIDO’sproject “Sustainable Energy Initiative for Industries in Pakistan” a project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), in collaboration with National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (NEECA), and other sector project partners in Pakistan. The event was attended by a large number of professionals including the top management from the industry, as well as participants from academia, public sector organization, development agencies, energy service companies, etc. The award’s objective was to set a platform for a regular national event to motivate the industrial sector to shift toward clean and green technologies, through recognition and appreciation of the high achievers for their commitment and hard work towards energy improvements in the industry under the project’s Energy Management System implementation program in the 50 enterprises.

The event featured an informative overview of the project as well as the Awards scheme and the whole process shared by Mr. Masroor Ahmed Khan, National Project Manager UNIDO. The event conferred the best performing Enterprise Award to Serena Hotel Islamabad. while the best performing consultant award toArch Associates. Additionally,the best Energy Professional Awards were conferred to Ms. Syeda Mehdia of Ebrahim Textile (woman professional in the energy sector) and Mr. Fahad Ali Amjad of EMCO Industries.

Another highlight of the event was the formal launch of the newly established Energy Desk at the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA). Energy Desk is one window facility established to facilitate SMEs on issues related to energy efficiency and Renewable Energy. Mr. Hashim Raza, CEO Small, and Medium Enterprise Authority oriented the audience on Energy Desk,for details visit https://energydesk.smeda.org.

UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations focusing on Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in the developing world. UNIDO works on different projects which are directly or indirectly related to inclusive and sustainable industrial development, Climate Change, Trade, etc. In all projects where UNIDO provides technical assistance, it is ensured that the project is sustainable and adaptable for the private sector.  UNIDO is fully working on its theme of ISID (Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development) which refers active participation of women along with men in all aspects of Inclusive and Sustainable industrial development. For more information, please visit the website https://www.unido.org.