World Champion Saleem Shah teaches yoga skills at Jinnah Park



FAISALABAD, AUG 21 – The practice of yoga has been thought to date back to pre-Vedic Indus traditions; possibly in the Indus valley civilization around 3000 BCE. Yoga is mentioned in the Rigveda and also referenced in the Upanishads. Although, yoga most likely developed as a systematic study around the 5th and 6th centuries BCE, in ancient India’s ascetic and Śramaṇa movements.

Yoga has been practiced at the famous Jinnah Park in Faisalabad for the last eight years. When it comes to yoga, it is a system of exercises that people do from head to toe. This exercise has around 78 asanas and each has its unique benefits.

World Champion and globally famous Coach Saleem Shah said that he started doing yoga in 1975. He has the honor of winning many international medals and championships for Pakistan. He started free yoga classes in 1992 at Jinnah Park, Faisalabad. He said that the main purpose of doing yoga is to populate parks in Pakistan and desolate hospital. He wants people’s diseases to be eliminated by exercise.

I can say with certainty that 80% of ailments, whether male or female, can be cured automatically with regular yoga exercises. Many people are seen exercising in the park who go home after doing one or two types of exercise. I did not charge any fee for my yoga club, my mission is not to collect fees, but to see the people of Pakistan happy and healthy.

Most of the adults who started yoga classes suffered from diseases like heart, arthritis, backbone pain, slip disk, diabetes, and blood pressure but now they are completely healthy without medicine. Women of today need to exercise more like yoga. That’s why we have arranged separate yoga classes for women and children in Jinnah Park. There is a good increase in the number of students every day. Today many teenagers from 17 years to 80 years old seniors are interested to attend yoga classes regularly.

Baba Khalid Silhari, who has been practicing yoga for the last five years, said that when he started yoga, I was not so well known with the benefits of yoga exercises, but now yoga is a major part of my life, now I know the multiple benefits of yoga for a happy and healthy life. When I started yoga classes I had diabetes and high blood pressure along with arthritis. I took medicine three times in a day for my diseases, but I benefited from doing yoga to the extent that now I take medicine once daily, Sooner I will no need of this one-time dosage as well.

Mohammad Haroon Rasheed has also been doing yoga in the park for the last two years. I had diabetes and for this, I used to take insulin twice

daily but now my sugar has been controlled to that extent that I no longer need to take insulin and are now taking only one pill. About the benefits of yoga, Shahid Bhola Presswala says that yoga is such a beneficial exercise that every young and old should do it, you can get rid of many chronic diseases. Muhammad Afzal Pappu has been doing yoga for about eight years. He says yoga is an exercise that is more beneficial for young people as well as adults. He said he had Brain stroke a few years ago, which he recovered from yoga. According to him, doing yoga can get rid of diseases like blood pressure, diabetes, knee pain, and Paralysis.