‘World Egg Day’ celebrated at Arid Agriculture University

‘World Egg Day’ celebrated at Arid Agriculture University

RAWALPINDI, OCT 16 /DNA/ – ‘World Egg Day’ has been celebrated at Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi in partnership with Sadiq Group of Industries, with an aim to create public awareness about the nutritional value of eggs and its importance in human diet. A seminar on importance of eggs was organized while a cooking competition was also held on the occasion. Shields and cash prizes were distributed among the participants of the competition.

The seminar was attended by Health Experts, industry leaders and renowned professionals.

Eggs are one of the few foods that should be classified as “superfoods.” Dr. Habib Ur Rehman, the keynote speaker,  said at the occasion. They are loaded with proteins and other essential nutrients, some of which are rare in the modern diet. Eggs can combat common nutrient deficiencies that often go unaddressed but are crucial for optimal health and performance while improving our immune system, he continued. Studies have proven that it helps cognitive function like visual and verbal memory and improve our heart health, he further added.

Saad Sadiq, MD Sadiq Group announced merit scholarships at the event & vowed  “ we know our customers are increasingly interested in knowing more about their food and where it comes from, which in turn guides our company’s broader commitments on eggs quality and sourcing. We are fully cognizant of the modern practices which are helping us to produce high quality eggs, he further committed. World Egg Day is a brilliant opportunity to make sure everyone in the world knows that eggs are an excellent, affordable source of high-quality nutrition, with the potential to help feed the world.

The participants enjoyed the ceremony and appreciated & thanked Sadiq Group of Industries for organising such an informative and enjoyable event.