17th International Cardiac Electrophysiology Conference commences: ISPR


RAWALPINDI, FEB 29 (DNA) :  17th International Cardiac Electrophysiology Conference commenced at Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National institute of Heart Diseases (AFIC & NIHD) Rawalpindi, said an official press release by the ISPR on Saturday.

President of Pakistan, Dr. Arif Alvi was the chief guest on inaugural session of 3 days long conference (February 28 to March 1).

A comprehensive scientific and academic program has been organized during the conference. World renowned Cardiac Electro physiologists from USA, UK, Egypt, Qatar, Lebanon, Turkey and Azerbaijan attended the conference along with experts from Pakistan.

While speaking at the occasion, president appreciated the standard of patient care at AFIC/NIHD and dedication and devotion of doctors and paramedical staff.

He stressed upon the need of concrete efforts for treatment of communicable diseases and emphasised on prevention measures . President also assured his full support for research and development in the institution and for National Cardiovascular Research Institute.

Earlier, Lieutenant General Muhammad Amir, Adjutant General Pakistan Army and Lieutenant General Khawar Rehman, Surgeon General Pakistan Army received the chief guest on arrival at AFIC & NIHD.