Victory Day of Turkiye celebrated

Victory Day of Turkiye celebrated

Ansar M Bhatti

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of Turkiye Mehmet Pacaci and Naval Attache Capt (N) Goksel Ortamevzi hosted Victory Day reception, which was attended by a large number of guests hailing from various walks of life.

Lt. General Muhammad Ali Quarter Master General (QMG) Pakistan Army was the chief guest while Senators, former members of the Parliament and civil and military high ranking officers attended the reception.

Ambassador Pacaci in his speech welcomed the guests and extended his heartfelt feelings, affection and respect.

The Ambassador also read out the message of the President of Turkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Here is the text of the interview.

“On this proud day, as we reach the 101st anniversary of the Great Victory, I would like to congratulate the August 30 Victory Day of our honourable nation, of the Turkish Cypriots, and of more than 7 million Turkish citizens living all across the world.

On behalf of myself, my country and my nation, I would like to thank all our friends who share our joy of celebration.

The August 30 Battle of the Commander-in-Chief is one of the most critical milestones in our nation’s centuries-long struggle for survival.

In the words of Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Great Victory is “a great achievement that once again exemplified in history the enormous might and heroism of the Turkish Army, Turkish Officers and Command Staff”.

With this victory, which is the “immortal monument of the Turkish Nation’s idea of freedom and independence”, our nation declared to the whole world that it would not let its will be subjugated and its independence and future compromised.

The love of freedom, which is the most distinguished characteristic of our nation, still exists very strongly today.

The epic resistance, first and foremost, against the July 15 betrayal and the response of our nation to the attacks on our survival in recent years have repeatedly demonstrated how our will remains alive and strong.

The same unwavering will is behind our determination to build the Century of Türkiye, which we announced at a time when the world was shaken by deep crises.

We created the infrastructure towards this end with the initiatives we brought to life in every field in the last 21 years, and provided our country with every capacity for this great ascent.

With the elections of May 14 and May 28, which were a full celebration of democracy, we passed another critical threshold on the path towards our goal.

As a result of the elections, where we once again witnessed the strong support of our nation, we expedited our policy to provide more services and achievements.

We will make Türkiye more powerful and raise it above the level of contemporary civilizations with the new steps we will be taking in the upcoming period.

We will definitely turn our vision of the Century of Türkiye into reality.

And we will achieve this as 85 million people coming together hand in hand and heart to heart.

As a nation that overcame many difficulties, endured many attacks and thwarted many conspiracies, we strongly believe that our future will be much brighter and more prosperous than today.

May Allah remove the obstacles in our path and grant us success.

With these thoughts in mind, I commemorate once again with gratitude Ghazi Mustafa Kemal, the founder of the Republic of Türkiye and the Commander-in-Chief of the Great Offensive, and his comrades-in-arms. I wish Allah’s mercy upon all our martyrs and ghazis’.