2024 is one of the most important years in Azerbaijan

2024 is one of the most important years in Azerbaijan

Adil Aliyev

In 2023 Azerbaijan hosted the main conference of SPECA which celebrated its 25th anniversary last year. And President Ilham Aliyev unveiled Azerbaijan’s potential and investment strategic plan. Now more than ever, our country has a strategic role from the East to the West and is located on the Silk Route. Obviously, it requires highways and other infrastructure, and Azerbaijan has constructed them, and today these policies play an important role in attracting investment to Azerbaijan.

The integration into the world market

The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is a prominent and modern statesman recognized throughout the world, he made great efforts for Azerbaijan and the people of our country. Today, as a result,Azerbaijan flourishes day by day. He continues to build upon Heydar Aliyev’s strategies actively and createsothers. President Ilham Aliyev has had success in implementing different policies on the world stage. He took part in the implementation of economic reforms in the country, and the expansion of economic and cultural ties of independent Azerbaijan with foreign countries. PresidentIlham Aliyev played an important role in the integration of the Republic of Azerbaijan into the world market. Many fields of our economy are attractive to foreign investors from different countries, and this business friendly environment encourages them to invest in Azerbaijan. Moreover, today Azerbaijan is the guarantor of Europe’s energy security and provides some parts of Europe with gas.

Climate Change Conference

Azerbaijan regularly hosts various forums, organizations, events every year. Our country hosted Eurovision Song Contest, the First European Games, the 4th Islamic Olympic Games, and other events. This year Azerbaijan will host COP29 by securing the votes of countries and it is an example of the high trust shown to Azerbaijan. It is a big responsibility to host such kind of  event, which is globally important and each country attaches great importance to this event. There is no doubt that our country will host COP29 at the highest level.

COVAX and other initiatives

President Ilham Aliyev is the main guarantor of our country’s success and his policies focus on the development of Azerbaijan. Also, Ilham Aliyev has many diplomatic tasks and he is well-known in the world as an intellectual, noble leader. Azerbaijan has constantly raised the issue of fair distribution of vaccines among the countries of the world in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. President Ilham Aliyev focused on this problem during his speech at the thematic discussions of the UN General Assembly. He expressed his support and welcome  the COVAX Facility, the COVAX Advance Market Commitment Forum, and other related constructive initiatives that serve to ensure affordable, equitable, universal, and timely access. In this context, it should also be noted that President Ilham Aliyev effectively represented the Non-Aligned Movement in the UN General Assembly. The NAM is the second largest organization in the world after the UN and has 120 member states. Azerbaijan’s membership and presidency of the Non-Aligned Movement is an indicator of the increasing international reputation of our country, and the initiatives and activities showcased during Azerbaijan’s presidency have in turn contributed to the revival and increasing relevance of the organization.

Patriotic War

One of his main powers is related to his management skills.He commanded the AzerbaijaniArmy in the war against Armenian occupation. Armenia’s latest military attack on the 27th of September 2020 caused a war between the two countries. The Iron Fist has been the symbol of our journey to victory. Under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijani Army defeated Armenia on the battlefield and liberated its ancient and eternal lands, which was under occupation for more than 30 years. Azerbaijan implemented United Nations Security Council resolutions which demanded immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan.  Armenia was defeated by Azerbaijan on the battlefield. On 10th November 2020, the Statement by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and President of the Russian Federation was signed to end the war. During the occupation, Armenia destroyed many areas, monuments, and culturally and historically significant places. Our Government started large scalerestoration and  reconstruction works in Karabakh right after the war and even these restoredterritories such as Shusha, Aghdam, Zangilan became a venue for the international events. 

The Great Return

After the war, Azerbaijan started recovering destroyed areas from all damage and started building new cities and villages. Today we’ve been building new buildings, roads, and other infrastructure in Karabakh. Already, two International Airports – Fuzuli and Zangilan  have been built in and used in Karabakh, and a new oneis being built right now in Lachin. After the war, Azerbaijan commenced Great Return program and started to relocate the former IDPs to their homeland after 3 decades. They have been provided with all the necessary things to live comfortably.

The 7th of February marks the snap presidential election in Azerbaijan and I am quite certain that the nation will support the current President yet again and our country will become even more successful under his leadership. President Ilham Aliyev said “We are stronger together!” Thanks to Mr. President’s foreign and domestic policies, Azerbaijan has great power, and we protect our unity!

Adil Aliyev,

Deputy Chairman of Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chair of The Sports and Youth Committee