Hayah Bahroni
Social work is a path that is filled with countless opportunities to impact lives both individually and collectively. The importance of social work lies in its aim to confront social issues in all facets of life; from providing the one-on-one support of family welfare to shaping legislative policies that eradicate systemic injustices. It is a code of life that involves helping others overcome challenges.Consolidating on our previous projects and working together for making life easier for the under-privileged &in order to make dreams come true, Team Save Dreams accomplished yet another milestonein December, 2022 as our team members visited Sultana Foundation located in Farash Town, Lehtrar Road, Islamabad.

Sultana Foundation as it stands today, is a monument of how a small group of people inspired by the call of a visionary for a noble cause, can bring so much of achievement in such a short time. Sultana Foundation programs instill ideas of discipline and leadership in our youth to prepare them to reconstruct a society of justice and cherished values.Sultana Foundation was established as a pilot project right in the heart of the villages, which could serve as a model for others. It all started from a group of like-minded people, meeting once a week in Islamabad under the name of HalqaIslah-e-Fikr, found in the year 1987, by Chairman Dr.NaeemGhani, who was already running free dispensaries at a few places in Rawalpindi, Islamabad and the surrounding villages in the name of Maqasid-e-Insania. Sultana Foundation is a Vision, converted into a Mission, an Idea made into a Movement, a Dream in Actualization, a Claim in Practice, towards our Commitment for Realization of Promise of Pakistan, which is to build a Society on our own Value System, Free and Fair for all who feel Pride in being Pakistani. Pakistan and its people have the Will and Potential to light a Candle in Global Darkness of Greed and Need and New World Disorder.
Team Save Dreams consisting of Hayah Bahroni, Rafia Ali, Omama Basit and Husail Jamil, this time had the opportunity of visiting the primary branch of Sultana Foundation Schools. When we walked into the class we were pleasantly surprised with the cheerful welcome that we received from the little angels. About 20 children nicely dressed in the school uniform were busy in their studies as we entered their classroom. They looked happy together, eager to talk to us and shared with us what all they had learnt in school. We started by getting to know each other more. Finger prints of all of them to fill in our logo were taken, followed by different intellectual activities being carried out. Our team shared a few words regarding our theme “Disability and Blessings of Allah” and assisted the young minds in putting their ideas on the canvas. It was an exceptional sight to see how wonderfully they portrayed their ideas on paper.
The entire visit was coordinated by Mr. Hassan Naeem who is a very active member of Board of Directors and carries a very inspiring disposition. Blessed with a very cheerful personality and workingon the footsteps of his father, Mr. Hassan Naeem is determinedto promote human well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. He is strenuously pursing his goal to improve people’s lives by helping with social and interpersonal difficulties, promoting human rights and wellbeing. Similarly, getting to meet Ma’am GhazalaSarwar, the Principal, in person was an enlightening experience for us all too. She is a qualified and experienced educationist and is striving with her team for holistic development of children’s personalities and strongly believes that every child has a right to be educated no matter what their gender is or what background they belong to. The Primary School is truly a unit where Sultana Foundation has applied its thoughts about comprehensive child development.
The captivating visit to Sultana Foundation Primary School instilled within us a thought that in order to truly enablePakistan to move forward, together we must go further than providing justice and education. We must ensure that each Pakistani has access to their inalienable rights to life, liberty, dreams and the pursuit of happiness without systemic impediments. We look forward to our youth joining hands with Team Save Dreams in supporting the under-privileged, because with correct focus and sound determinationeach one of us has enough to achieve it all. Team Save Dreams truly believes that our efforts have the capacity to transform lives at the individual level while also creating a ripple effect at the community-level, to continue a wave of inspiration and motivation for generations.